Little adventure

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Katsuki POV

We were hanging out with the crew plus Izu and Shinso. They called it a 'victory party' but I'm pretty sure they were just trying to get an excuse to go out. We chose to go to do a little hiking. It was pretty fun to be honest until...
"Guys.. Don't freak out.. There's umm.. a very tiny bear.." Kirishima says tensing up and we all stop except the dumbass.
"OMG! Can I go catch it!" Denki whisper shouts while going to it and Shinso pulls his arm and holds him tightly.
"No offence babe but you're dumb. Baby bears means that there's a mama bear not far. And she's very protective of their baby. She'll kill you if you get too close." Shinso explains and Denks looks at him wide eyed.
"Shouldn't we like.. Go?" Izu asks unsure and we all agree.
"Everyone be as quiet as possible." Kirishima orders as we all quickly but carefully leave.
"Denki! I thought you said there wasn't any wild animals." Shinso scolds him and he laughs embarrassed.
"Well you see.. I noticed I brought you guys on the wrong mountain buutt-" We cut him.
"WHAT!?" We all say loudly in sync annoyed.
"Well we're like simply on the wrong side! The other side is the one with the travel guide and all! So if we go up at some point we'll get to the top and we'll see from there what we do!" He says way to cheerfully.
"I swear to god. You better be kicking right now." I glare at him.
"Let's have fun and have a great last day together!" He says happily and before I could kill him, his boyfriend hits the back of his head.
"I swear Kaminari. If you can't get us out of here I will sacrifice you first to get food." He says glaring at him.
"I don't think I'd taste good tho.." He thinks out loud.
"DENKI!" We all yell at him.
"I'm serious! The two with more meat would be Bakugo and Kiri!" He says like it was actually a serious conversation.
"Denki, we know you don't mean anything bad but what we mean is that we want to get out of here before tonight. And since you got us in this mess we'd much appreciate you also get us out of it." Izu explains calmly.
"Ohhhh! No problem! We just have to head down and we'll find the car at some point! And if we can't we have Google maps!" The dumbass opens his mouth again.
"Okay, let's just try getting to the top and eat and come back down after?" Izuku sighs loudly but we all end up agreeing.
"So you guys are leaving next week?" Shinso asks and we nod.
"Yeah and I managed to have us stay 2 days at the same time like you asked" Izu says and I smirk nodding.
"Good." I say relieved. We had the song done for the both of them so we wanted to present it with the two of them there for the first presentation.
"At least there's sort of a path to follow.." Izu thinks out loud.


"Wooow..." A few say at the same time looking at the view.

"This dosent seem real

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"This dosent seem real..." Izu mumbles and I hug him from behind nuzzling in the crook of his neck.
"Tired?" He asks softly and I nod.
"It's okay let's sit a little so you can rest." He says with a small smile and I nod as we find a spot.
"Is it okay if we rest a while before going back down?" Mina whines and we all agree sitting at different places.
"I don't wanna leave next week and I can't even spend more time with you before leaving since practice and all will be crazy.." I sigh loudly and Izu chuckles sadly.
"It's okay, let's just have fun now and we'll be sad an other day. Let's just appreciate this.." He smiles as I lay my head on his lap and look up to admire him.
"You're freckles are what drew me in first.." I think out loud and he blushes. "After the freckles was your smile.." I whisper. "And your eyes.. I thought I could drown in them every time you looked at me.." I mumble.
"And your voice.. It always makes me happy and your laugh even your mumbling.. It's all what made me fall in love with you..." I whisper and he giggles and he gives me a quick kiss.
"For me it was your eyes. After was your caring, even if it was agressive, I found it sweet..." He giggles.
"But I still feel like I could look at your eyes all day.." He says smiling and playing with my hair. "And when I saw you again, I was so happy and nervous... I found it creepy tho when you just shot me that I was gonna live with you-" He admits making me snort. "But I'm still happy that I came.. These last few months were the best of my life. Even with all the bad things that happened, I was always happy as long as you were there.." He smiles and I find his hand and intertwine our fingers and place our hands over my chest.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you.. You know that right?" I ask him and he laughs softly.
"I know and I want that too.." He smiles.
"Do you really?" I ask him hopeful.
"Yeah.. It's early but I know that I definitely want that.." He smiles softly.
"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!" We both jump at Mina's squealing and see everyone that was hiding behind a tree making Izuku blush.
"I'M GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU!!!" I yell getting up.
"MidoBro! Please! Save us!!!" Kiri yells to my boyfriend.
"Sorry guys but you deserve this one!" He laughs and I smirk happy to have him on my side.


It was late the sun was getting down and we were still stuck..
"Umm guys?" Denks asks unsure and I glare at him not knowing what to expect this time.
"Well umm... you see. I don't know if we're going up or down right now..." He laughs awkwardly.
"Denki" I start
"Kaminari" Izu continues.
"You better" Mina says irritated.
"Be" Shinso says with a frown.
"Jocking." Kiri finishes the sentence, all of us giving the dumb blond death glares.
"Of course I am! The exit is over there!" He laughs as we all sigh in relief glaring at him for the fright he gave us.
"I know I'm the best! Oh and there's an other bear behind you!" He says before running off and we all do the same after realizing it. We're never letting him organize an activity again...

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