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Katsuki POV

When I saw that that bitch posted a picture of her kissing me by surprise on my page I saw red. It was a girl from the LOV group from the Endavour agency so there was definitely going to be a scandale. After I got rid of her I took out my phone in a panic and open my messages. I was already late because of some fans that recognized me and then she arrived making everything worst. I was looking and saw my most recent message was to him.

My Nerd <3 : Hey Kacchan, I just wanted to know if you were passing to pick me up? If not it's okay, I'd just like to know :)

Me: Who the fuck are you!? Leave my fucking boyfriend alone and grow up!

Okay this is bad when I try to text him there something that pops up.

Please unblock this number before contacting this contact.

Shit. How the fuck did she do all that without me noticing she was on my phone!? In a panic I unblock the number jumping in my car and dialling.
Answer please answer freckles, tell me I can explain...
"The number you are trying to reach at the moment is unavailable ple-" I hang up hitting the wheel aggressively and starting the car to get to his work place.
I then have an other incoming call I answer quickly hoping it was him.
"Hello!?" I say hopeful.
"Bakugo you better have a hella explanation for what's going on. Izuku saw it, do you know how hella bad this all looks!?" I growl disappointed it wasn't Izu but Uraraka.
"Yeah I fucking know. Some fans recognized me while I stoped at a restaurant to grab dinner and I was stuck in the middle of it. Then that bitch from the LOV band put her dirty lips on mine. How did I not fucking realize she took my phone!? What is Izu gonna think!?? FUCK I CAN'T FUCKING LOSE HIM!" I yell in distress hitting my wheel.
"Bakugo breathe. Did you try calling him?" She asks.
"Of course I fucking did! It lended on voice mail immediately!" I say annoyed.
"It's okay, he probably just closed his phone. He does that when he needs time to think about something." She tries to calm me.
"When he called me earlier he explained the texting part and he was pretty convinced it probably wasn't true. So find him. If he isn't at the cafe try the cemetery where his dad is buried. He goes there to calm down sometimes." She explains and I nod before realizing she can't see me.
"Thanks.. I'm here and I'll try calling him again can you try on your side also?" I ask her and she hums in response before I hang up.
I go to the door and knock loudly. The door is locked and everything is closed. He's already gone.
Okay now last time he mentioned his dad was in the graveyard in this town and there's only one and it's not far from here..
I get back in my car and dial again to be back with the same problem.
"Fucking shit Izuku! Tell me I'm not too late!" I say out loud holding tightly on my wheel. Once I see the large gates and long, empty looking field I park my car and actually take the time to grab the food, he probably didn't eat that dumbass.
I look around and it was vaste so I could barely see with the sun that was quickly going down. I look around and try calming down and finally spot the messy green hair of the boy I love.
I walk slowly but quickly. I didn't want to startle him either. He looked like he just arrived and I see him talk and the closer I get the more I hear him so I listen silently.

"[...] trust Kacchan and I know he would never do something like kissing someone else. Maybe it was just someone crazy that wanted to date him or something.. But out of context seeing a picture of your boyfriend kissing some girl dosen't look good huh..? But I know he's gay.. So it gives me hope that it wasn't true.." He chuckles sadly and it breaks me but I shouldn't interrupt, no matter how much I wanted to, he needed this...
"And to top this off, someone answered me on his phone claiming that I should leave their boyfriend alone and blocked me.." He quietly sobs.
"I know you told me to always get both sides of a story but.. I just.. I don't even want to open my phone right now.." He mumbles wiping his tears.
"It's selfish.. Why am I so damn selfish? I could let him explain.. If it was actually staged, then Kacchan is probably panicking right now.. But I'm scared that he's maybe not.." I says looking at the sky.
"Recently, he's been occupied with all his practices and all those stuff coming for their tour, so he always seems distant but.. I'm bothering him enough already, he doesn't need to add to the list clingy and obsessed boyfriend.." He chuckles sarcastically.
He isn't bothering me.. Was he feeling left out all this time? Was I not paying enough attention?
"You know that guy I told you about last time? The one that assaulted me?" He asks quietly.
"I ended up filling a report.. If it wasn't for Kacchan I probably wouldn't have done anything to fight about it.. You wouldn't be proud of me dad.. I can't do anything right.. I overwhelm my boyfriend, I contributed on making mom stay in a asylum/prison. I couldn't even defend myself on my own.. I can't seem to be able to do anything alone.." He sobs and that was the last drop of bullshit he thought of himself that I could endure.
"He'd be hella proud of you freckles.." He turns at me surprised and I see his teary eyes.
"Hey.." He mumbles looking at the ground and fidgeting with his fingers. I take the time to sit in front of him leaving the food aside.
"I'm guessing you closed your phone?" I ask sadly and he nods.
"I'm sorry.. I was just scared of the answer.." He admits looking up at him and I could once again see his gorgeous eyes and freckles.
"I know.. But it was staged, I'll go in details but I want to start by it was staged.. And that I love you and only you." I explain and he nods with a discret smile.
"I had my doubts about it, it seemed more accurate that it was staged then if you would tell me you were having a secret affair with someone right now.." He smiles a little more and I hold his hand.
"Thank you for trusting me.." I whisper feeling relief run through my body.
"I always will trust you.. But I'd still like explanations- I mean, this was kind of a shock I didn't even take the time to study your reaction or anything else.." He says embarrassed and I chuckle silently tapping my thighs for him to lay on.
"Now let me talk, I'll take your questions and complaints after~" I smirk playfully trying to lighten the mood making him chuckle as he starts tracing with his finger across my hand.

I explain to him everything and he just listens in silence and when I finish, he hums thinking of something.
"So you bought sushis?" He asks and I can't help but laugh at how this is the first thing he asks and he soon joins giggling.
"Yes freckles, that's originally the reason I was late before all the drama." I chuckle taking the bag that was next to me.
"And knowing you, you didn't eat shit since lunch." I scold him and he giggles embarrassed.
"Also, why was the girl there? It seems like a lot of followed coincidences." He asks confused and suspicious taking a piece of the plate after sitting next to me.
"I have no clue, sadly it isn't the first time they try to create scandals, but a love scandale? It's a first. So whatever they're planning isn't good. I know their director Endeavour is ready to do a lot in order to be number 1 on the chart so it's obvious he's attacking us since we're number one at the moment. And with the tour coming up.. This isn't just coincidences..." I explain.
"And Uraraka is probably looking at it with Aizawa at the moment and I already put the post down but this is definitely going to be heard of.." I sigh loudly and he rests his head on my shoulder and I look at him he does the same.
"I'm happy I trusted you.." He admits with a small smile. I hold carefully his cheek and bring him in a soft kiss.
"I don't know what I would have done if you left me.." I mumble against his lips and he smiles.
"You would have had to eat all these sushis alone~" He giggles as I kiss him again.
"Would have been awful wouldn't it?" I smirk playfully.
"Mhm" He smiles looking at my eyes and I look in his.
"I believe it's the first time I come here." I smile softly at my boyfriend who nods excited.
"Right!! Kacchan this is dad, dad this is Kacchan!" He says pointing at the tomb and me.
"I'm happy to meet him.." I smile at my boyfriend who tackled me to the ground hugging me tightly. 
"And Izu?" I say catching his attention.
"Don't ever think your bothering me. It isn't being clingy or anything. I'm always happy to see you and if I really need to stay longer or practice more hours, I can come get you so you're with me. Okay? You're never bothering and I don't want you to think that.. I really didn't mean to distance myself.. I'm sorry.." I mumble before kissing him again.
"It's okay Kacchan I know but, are you sure you don't mind if I watch you practice?" He asks shyly.
"110% sure" He smiles before moving to go next to me (since he was still on top of me) and laying his head on my chest and I wrap my arms around him.
"Can we stay like this?" He asks shyly.
"As long as you want.." I answer softly.
"Do you think I'd pass the father approval?" I ask him playfully and he nods quickly.
"In a heartbeat!" He giggles.
"Good because I love you.. I love you so damn much.." I kiss his forehead.
"As much as I love my dad, I think I'd have to ignore his opinion on this one if he didn't like you because.." He chuckles. "I love you and nothing can change my mind on that..." He says seriously with a small gorgeous smile blessing his face.
"How did you manage to make me go all lovey dovey on you? How did you manage to make me fall so hard for you?" I smirk.
"Because I'm the best?" He says more as a question and I kiss his lips since he was now looking at me.
"You sure fucking are." I grin against his lips.

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