Will You Shut Up?!

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Mention of false accused rape

Izuku POV

I was sitting with Kacchan resting on my lap while I played with his hair in a studio the time the live would start. It was stressful for him and I've never seen him so vulnerable. But I get why, so I was happy to stay with him the time he feels better. Also very grateful for the others to help at my cafe. I owed them big time!

"Hey, it's about to start.. You ready?" Uraraka enters the room and I look at Kacchan who nodded and sat up.
"Let's get this shit over with." He groans as we walk outside.
This is the worst moment for my anxiety to kick in. I have to stay for Kacchan but I hate this! But it's okay, I'm just here for Kacchan, I don't need to talk.
"You two sit there." Uraraka points two of the seats.
Basically from left to right it was placed like this:

Toshinori-Uraraka-Me-Kacchan-Aizawa-detective Nezu-Shigaraki-Toga-Endeavour

We sit and I know people looked at us weirdly first because it's the first time Kacchan makes a public appearance since the beginning of these events. Also since it's the first time I come on Tv...

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly at Kacchan and hold his hand under the table. He was playing strong but I clearly saw the tapping of his foot under the table confirming his nervousness .
"I guess.." He mumbles looking at me and I give him a small reassuring smile.
"We'll go get you some spicy ramen after and eat it at your special spot okay?" I ask him and he nods smirking.
"I should be like this more often if it means you taking care of me~" He says teasingly and I chuckle.
"Dumbass-" I grumble and he tightens our hands tensing up and I see why. That other bitch just came in.
"Oh Hello Katsuki!! Happy to see you here!" The blond girl says happily sitting at her seat.
"Does she have no shame!?" Uraraka whispers to me annoyed.
"If she takes it too far you have the green card to hit her." Aizawa says half kidding and I chuckle.
"Hello Young Midoriya, my name is Yagi Toshinori, nice to finally meet you." A skinny long haired blond says sitting at the end of the table..
"Nice to meet you too." I smile politely before fully focusing on Kacchan.
"Hey.. Breathe.. We can leave if you want too." I whisper to him and he shakes his head.
"I have to do this.." He says with a confident glare and I smile softly.
"Good." I smile and that's when Aizawa stands to start the conference and I tighten my hold on Kacchan's hand to remember him that I am here.

"Okay. We're here to clear some accusations that have been made recently. We will answer questions but please don't speak at the same time. Thank you." Aizawa says firmly and sitting back down.
"Himiko Toga, When were you assaulted by Dynamight?" One interviewer and I tense up.
"November 9th around noon, I remember it perfectly" She says and we look at her with a 'what are you saying' look since they had already been exposed just not to the public.
"Please say the truth miss Himiko." The investigator says.
"No! As a women I will speak and will not stay shut about the truth!" She says fake crying and I let my nails dig in my skin, I wouldn't be surprised if I was bleeding.
"That is not the truth their is a lack of evidence to sustain your accusations." The investigator says.
"What? Did I have to film myself getting dragged in the hotel room?" She cries and I can't help but laugh earning everyone's attention.
"You could at least try to look believable. You just had to choose the day we were on a date." I say glaring at her.
"You're lying to defend your pity excuse of a boyfriend!" She cries but she has panic in her eyes.
"You'd like that wouldn't you? I have the medical reports to prove his location from 9:30 to 11:45 since he had to bring me to the hospital for get my cast removed. After I have a bunch of pictures of that day, we were at a festival and if anyone did their research, someone even managed to take a picture of us and it was on social media that exact day." I say glaring at her.
"That's a lie! He was absent from his reality show since he was with me!" She cries in a panic. Other then us, the room was dead silent.
"Do you know why he was ACTUALLY absent? Why he had the authorization to leave the set?" I ask and she stays silent.
"He stayed with me all along because I was an emotional mess because my mom was put in custody. That's why he was authorized off set. And if you don't believe me there's ALL the police reports for the interagation of that week to prove it." I explain firmly.
"Then why does he look so ashamed right now? Why was he hiding from the public? He must have done something wrong!" An interviewer said.
"He's not ashamed. He's fucking anxious because someone accused him of RAPE. Someone decided to spread rumours that had no sense. And you want to know why he's been hiding from the public? He stopped going out because he was tired. He was scared that he would have to stop doing the job he loves. He felt different things that made him anxious to go out. He didn't have the motivation to get up. Wanna know why? No it's not because he did something. It's because he's HUMAN like everyone in this room. How would you feel if people told you to go kill yourself? How would you feel if people told you that you're a predator? How would you feel if you got told all the shit he got told in the last few days!?" I say enraged but everyone was silent.
"Come on! Everyone was so eager to say what they think behind screens, what happened?" I say mockingly.
"You're just trying to shut the voice of a victime!" Toga says as, I hope, a last attempt.
"No. What I'm doing is making sure you understand you can't just say things like that! It's because of people like you, that lie about being raped that we're never sure if the victim is lying or not! And some people are ACTUALLY assaulted and all they have left as proof is PTSD, and the reason some of the assaulters stay free, is because some people lie about it happening to them, placing the doubt in everyone's mind. There's also real people who are assaulted by celebrities who are silenced by money or much more. But you lied. And your lies affects way more people than just Katsuki. And you know, that famous as you are, everything you say is spread. You know that millions of people have heard what you said. You know that if some people figure out you've been lying, then, even more people will doubt the ACTUAL victimes." I say dead serious but still calm.
"Now do you have any more lies to say? Or can you shut up and let what's actually happening here be said? Because the more you lie, the more things will come back to you." I say to her and she just looks down and I blush completely embarrassed realizing I just said that of million of people. I look at Kacchan in panic to see him smirking at me.
"You're hot when you're mad.." He whispers and I glare at him.
"Not the moment." I say under my breath and our hand still rest together.
"I forgot how scary you looked when you get mad-" Uraraka says wide eyed and I look down in shame.

"He is right tho. We've been asking for her side of the story but never his. We also need facts." One person in the room said and I hide my smile knowing who it was. It's Iida.. He really did manage to become a journalist he notices my starting and he nods as a greeting.
"We can start with Bakugo and after we'll go with what the investigations lead to." Aizawa says and he also gives me a small smile.
"Well, like Izuku said, the day she mentioned was full of proved alibis, I didn't show up no where because I was.. scared to not be able to do music again with my group.." He admits embarrassed but puts his pride down for a split second and I was proud of him.
"I had people I care for, doubt if I would actually do that, I had people threatening to kill me. I wasn't scared it would happened but it still feels like damn knife in the back!" He explains with a frown.
"And for the picture part. I was getting fucking sushis for dinner since it was late and I didn't have the energy to cook food. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not that I was drowned in a group of fans when Toga decided to do what she did. I'm honestly fucking tired of this shit. I never wanted her to kiss me, it's fucking disgusting, and I better not have someone pull a trick like this again! I'm lucky enough to have had Izuku that believed me. Because I swear it looked bad, it looked so fucking bad and not just to me or the media but because my boyfriend was left in the doubt and I'm so fucking grateful he took the time to listen to what I had to say." He says sincerely and I smile a little.
"Thank you for your side of the story Dynamight. Now please, detective Nezu, could we have the facts." It was Iida again. I see he still has the need to control everything.

The interview went on forever and it was finally over. Toga left with the endeavour industry ashamed.
"Uraraka!" I say to my friend. "Did you see!! Iida-kun was here!" I smile and she nods.
"Yeah! I'm gonna go look for him now!" She explains before she flees and I go to Kacchan and give him a bear hug.

"You see? Now they know! The truth is said." I smile nuzzling in his chest.
"Yeah and they also know not to mess with my tiny boyfriend~" He smirks and I roll my eyes even if he can't see.
"I'm not 'tiny' you're just really tall." I grumble.
"So, is that spicy ramen offer still standing?" He asks smirking and I nod.
"Let's go! Tho.. You do know I'm not eating the spicy one right?" I ask and he smirks.
"But it would make me in a such better mood!" He says dramatically and I look at him with a glare.
"I'm not falling for that. Come on let's go." I glare at him and I pull him as he laughs at me.

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