I love your smile

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Bakugo POV

I went back yesterday to the pent house after at it's been 2 days since we did it, I was over the moon and the morning after, I had to help him get up since his back was sore. We spend the morning together and I didn't want to leave but I still had to go back. Yesterday when I came back I told the group, while off camera, why we had to leave in such a rush and of course Uraraka called Izu for a scolding for being reckless and bla bla bla. Today they organized some sort of interview on live with a bunch of questions from our fans and after we'll have some practice since we officially had a tour starting in mid February.
"Are you guys ready? We're about to start!" Uraraka says interrupting a conversation they were having about I don't know what.
"Whatever-" I grumble getting up and we all leave for an other living room used for these types of events.
"I wonder if there will be drama today!" Mina skips to the room and drops on the couch happily.
"Sure hope not." I sigh dropping on the couch and putting my legs on the table and hands behind my head comfortably.
"Katsuki! Manners!" Uraraka says kicking my legs making me glare at her and 'tsk' putting my heel on my other knee and crossing my arms on my chest
"Whatever." I grumble annoyed.  "Do I really have to do this shit?" I growl.
"Zuku is working, you won't be able to call him anyways!" Uraraka smirks as I swear under my breath.
"Our little Pomeranian is in loveeee~" Mina sings and the others all laugh as I glare at them.
"Fuck off. Let's just get this shit over with." I glare at them and they finally calm down. Uraraka was starting the stream and projecting it on a Tv and used an other camera to film us.
"3...2...1.. And it's live!" Uraraka exclaims sitting off camera with her laptop.
"Hello there!!" Mina exclaims waving at the camera with a huge grin and the two others were waving like their life's depended on it. I just nodded as a hello, this was always so awkward no matter how often we did it.
Their was already over 300 viewers and it kept going up.
"Okay! So today we'll be answering questions! We'll take the time to answer as many questions as possible!" Kirishima explains with a stupid grin.
"You may begin!" Denki does a thumbs up.
"Okay.. Soo.. Lemillion asks.. 'Dynamight, what is your favourite thing about your boyfriend?' Ohhh this is starting with spice!" Mina says and I look at the screen confused, that's an odd question.
"None of your damn buisness!" I growl earning a elbow in my stomach from Mina.
"Tsk- his fucking smile-" I grumble embarrassed.
"Awwnn-" The other people said in sync and I just glare at them.
"Fuck off- Next fucking question." I growl changing the subject.
"Okay! SO.. Suneater asks for Denki this time! 'Do you have a lover or romantic interest with someone right now?' " Kirishima reads and Denki grins with a blush.
"He just doesn't know it yet!" He says proudly making me scoff.
"Ok sooo.. Camie_Utsushimi.. 'Dynamight, did your 'boyfriend' give you my number? 'Cause I'm pretty sure he didn't and is trying to make us grow appart. I know you don't know me but I'm the only one for you' Ohhh- This is definitely the drama I signed up for!" Mina say grinning mischievously.
"Yeah he did. He gave me all the numbers and no offense, but the one for me is already mine." I smirk at the camera.
"Wait- MidoBro got to take others number to give to you!?" Kiri asks wide eyed.
"Yeah- Once I was there behind, and the extra was asking him to tell how pretty she was and all so that I would call her back-" I snicker shaking my head.
"Oh and people give their number to give to you a lot, he's doing a competition to see who fills the jar first. He'll give you the number when he gets a winner.." I say to him discreetly so the viewers can't hear as an answer all I get is loud laughters from those who heard.
"Oh! An other one!!" Denki says pointing the screen where we look.
" 'Mina, if you had to date anyone in the crew who would it be?' " Denki continues awkwardly.
"ehhh-" She looks embarrassed and uncomfortable.
"None of your damn buisness! She told us she saw us like family. Would be fucked up if she wanted to date any of us!" I answer annoyed for the clearly uncomfortable girl.
"He's right guys!" Mina smiles at me mouthing a thank you.
Since she was the only girl in the group people said a lot of stuff like her being a try hard or that she was sleeping with all of us at the same time and shit like that.
"Anyways- 'When will the new song be released?' From Dynamights_wife..." I snicker at the name.
"Next week!" Kirishima says trying not to laugh (probably because of the name).
"YUP! I worked hard on showing these losers the choreography so you guys better like it!" Mina laughs as we sigh loudly.
"Okay next is.. 'Dynamight, why were you absent during the whole last episode?' " was asked.
"Not that it's any of your business but, some shit happened and I took the week off to recover." I answer dryly from the way to personal questions.
"Someone else wrote: 'So it isn't true you guys broke up?' " Denki reads out loud.
"Fuck no! That Nerd is stuck with me and I ain't letting go so you fuckers can stop hoping I'll suddenly fall in love with you I'm taken and stop fucking hoping." I say with a frown but made sure to pass my point clearly.


The stream continued for about 2 hours before we FINALLY got to go and have fucking lunch.

"I'm calling freckles-" I grumble getting up and heading to the kitchen to grab something and take my phone out.
I take a plate and dial FaceTime waiting for an answer, after a few seconds he answers but I can only see black, that normally means he's serving a client. I take the time to go to my room.

"Okay, Mirio do you mind if I go a few minutes?" The other line asks further from the phone and I can only barely hear the conversation.

"Hey Kacchan, how was your stream? We only got to watch a few parts." He asks smiling at me.
"Hey freckles, it was okay I guess. A few fuckers were way to curious about us-" I grumble dropping on my bed, since it's the only fucking place I get to have privacy.
"Yeah and apparently your favourite thing about me is my smile?" My greenette smirks and I look away embarrassed.
"Whatever.. Maybe- It's none of your fucking business-" I grumble trying to save my dignity.
"My favourite thing about you is your eyes!" He says with a bright smile which made my heart do rollercoasters.
"Whatever-" I grumble flustered.
"Do you guys wanna come to the cafe tomorrow? Someone misses Denki and I wouldn't mind seeing you!" He explains with a small almost unnoticeable blush.
"Of course, I'll check with the others, pretty sure that dumbass would be quite happy to see eye bags." I smirk and he giggles.
"I swear can't they just get together already?" He whines.
"It's like they're both waiting for the other to make the move.." I sigh loudly.
"I'll talk to Shin, maybe I'll convince him to make a move tomorrow because this is WAY to painful to watch!" He says and I nod in agreement.
"Then I'll make sure that he's there tomorrow!" I smile and we continue our conversation until he had to go back to work.
P.S: I also learned that Lemellion and Suneater were Izu's employees that were messing around with us.

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