Old Friend

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Izuku POV

"Hello welcome to our cafe, how may I help you?" I ask the customer who just entered.
"Hi I would like- Wait. Midoriya?" I look at him and he looks oddly familiar.
"Yes?" I look at him confused on where I've seen him before.
"Wow! It's been so long!! It's me! Shindo!!" He smiles at me and I look at him smiling.
"OMG! It's been so long!!" I smile at him finally placing a name on his face. He was an exchange student in high school and I was chosen to be his 'buddy' to help him during his stay.
"How's life been treating you?" The black haired male asks.
"Great! I was finally able to open my own cafe!!" I explain to him happily. "What about you?" I ask him in return.
"Oh, I'm in a course to become a firefighter!" He answers with a huge grin.
"I remember you always talked about wanting to do that! I'm so happy for you!!" I clap my hands from excitement.
"So what did you want to order?" I ask him.
"Remember you would always do those cinnamon rolls in high school? Do you have those here, they were the best!" He questions.
"Of course! Did you want a coffee or something with that?"
"A hot chocolate if possible!" He smiles and I nod preparing his order.
"Was it to take here or to go?" I look at him waiting for an answer.
"For here if that's okay!" He answers and I nod. "If you have time we could catch up a 'bit" he offers and I nod.
"Sure! I'd have to leave you if other customers come, I have my colleagues on break so I'm alone for now." I explain to him handing him his order.
"Great!" He answers. " Is it okay if I pay before leaving? In case I take an other-" He laughs embarrassed and I nod giggling.
"Not a problem at all!" I answer sitting in front of him.
"So, how long before you can officially become a firefighter?" I ask him excitedly, he would always work so hard to stay in shape to be able to one day become one.
"Actually now I'm in some sort of trial since I finished the course a little over a month ago." He explains. "I am in the fire department not far from here actually!" He continues and I nod.
"That's great!!" I answer him.
"And you? How's the business going?" He asks me curiously.
"Not too bad! It's been about 4 months and it's doing better normally people come early around lunch and after school/work hours! Like now only a few random clients come in, like you!" I explain and chuckle at his falsely offended reaction.
"Me? Random? The great Yo Shindo is considered a random client!? I feel dishonoured!" He says dramatically making me laugh.
"You're not a regular so you're still considered a random!" I say shrugging my elbows before we both laugh.
"No worries, I'll be there often now that I know you're here!" He smirks and I nod while laughing.
"Good! It's always fun to see you!" I explain with a smile.
Before he can answer the door opens and I get up to great the new customers but smile at the 'secret not so secret' identity.
"Hey freckles long time no see~" My favourite blond says and I go hug him and bring his mask down to give him a quick kiss going on my tippy toes.
"Hi Kacchan! Hey guys! Wait I'll go get Shin in the back!" I smile winking at Denki who had a small hidden blush.
"Sorry Shindo, I'll be right back!" I say to my old friend who nodded.

"Shin, come on your futur boyfriend is here! Go make your move!" I smile pulling my friend to the others. I notice some camera men who were inside filming the group and I sigh remembering their, almost constant, presence.
"Hey Shin!!" Denki smiles coming to him and I let them have their moment.

"Hey Mido, why are they all followed by cameras?" Shindo asks and I sigh loudly.
"They're doing some sort of reality show about their everyday life so that comes with it. Only 6 weeks left before I get my boyfriend back-" I explain chuckling and someone hugs me from behind putting their chin on my shoulder.
"And then I'll be able to fuck you everyday~" Kacchan whispers for only me to hear and I feel myself become bright red.
"Shut up-" I glare at him still flustered.
"So you have a boyfriend now?" My friend asks looking.. Annoyed?
"Yup! Yo Shindo, Kacchan- well Katsuki wait no- Bakugo- Arrgg- Katsuki Bakugo" I say to both of them trying to not mess up Kacchan's name.
"It's okay freckles-" My boyfriend laughs and I pout.
"Nice to meet you." Shindo says dryly but the two just glare at each other intensely.
"Did I say something wrong? Both of you are doing weird faces-" I ask them finding the situation awkward.
"Nothing for you to worry about freckles" Kacchan smiles at me and I look at him suspiciously and end up shrugging my shoulders.
"You can stay how long?" I ask my boyfriend.
"We ain't leaving till fucking one of them confesses or some shit because it's staring to get really sad-" He sighs loudly while shaking his head.
"Do the others know?" I ask him chuckling.
"Yeah- Mina wanted to lock them in the bathroom-" He laughs.
"Kacchan.. They're coming our way.." I say discreetly showing the direction of the cameras.
"Fucking shit- Can't they leave us the fuck alone?!" He complains annoyed.
"And that's my cue!" I smile ready to walk away.
"Nope, you staying right here." Kacchan says grabbing the back of my shirt making me go back.
"I hate you." I glare at him and he smirks and puts his mask down giving me an other soft kiss.
"No you don't." He grins and I look away embarrassed.
"No I don't..." I pout.
"Shindo! How is it going with Nakagame?" I ask turning back to my old friend that was probably feeling left out.
"Actually, we broke up.." He explains.
"Oh- I-Sorry for asking" I bow apologizing for probably making him uncomfortable.
"Don't be! We realized we were better off as friends!" He starts explaining. "Anyways, I have an old friend that I have my mind, sadly he's already in a relationship. But I know I'll have him sooner or later~" He winks in my direction probably having something in his eye.
"Oh..!" I smile awkwardly at him and he nods with a grin.
"And I always win." He glares at Kacchan saying those words with determination. Something definitely happened between the two.
"Anyways- I'll go do you guys orders! Same as usual?" I ask Kacchan and he nods ruffling my hair and kissing my forehead.

I then ask the others to confirm the order and go prepare everything, as I do that I realize Denki and Shinso were gone, I hope that something was going to happen between the two.
I prepare the order and while doing that Shindo comes over to the register and I smile at him acknowledging his presence.
"I think I'm gonna go, but I'll be back tomorrow! Can I have a cinnamon roll for the road?" He asks me and I nod smiling putting his desert in a bag.
"It's gonna be 5.34$" I say to him and he nods and he pays by card.
"Is it serious between you and your boyfriend?" He asks me intrigued.
"Yeah, I'm really happy with him!" I smile thinking of my boyfriend.
"Interesting... Then I guess I have competition." He winks at me with a smirk and I look at him confused as he leaves.
I go back to doing the orders and see Uraraka get in and I wave at her and she comes quickly joining me.
"Was that Shindo I saw outside?" She asks me excited and a I nod still trying to understand what he meant.
"I have a question." I say to her and she looks at me concerned.
"Of course! What happened?" She asks me.
"What is it supposed to mean when someone asks you if your relationship with your boyfriend is serious, and you say yes and then he leaves winking and saying that he has competition?" I ask her letting the coffee brew.
"Well, that person is a push over and a home wrecker!" She says annoyed. "Why do you ask?" She asks looking concerned.
"Well Shindo just said that and I'm not sure what to think of it.." I answer honestly.
"WHAT!?" She pretty much yells getting the attention on us.
"What happened?" Kacchan asks coming to us.
"That motherfucker trying to arggg! I thought he really just wanted to be friends I'm so dumb!" She whines and we both look at her concerned.
"He texted me asking about you and he told me he wanted to be friends with you and I told myself it wouldn't be bad since you two used to get along and now-" She explains with a long sigh. "Now I understand he's interested in you in THAT way.." She grumbles.
"I just have to tell him I'm not interested! He won't- wait... I'm the person he likes but is already with someone else?" I say thoughtfully.
"No shit-" My boyfriend sighs.
"And he winked at me to flirt and not because he had something in his eye?" I ask confused and they both face palm.
"Yeah freckles. Glad to see you're catching up-" Kacchan says pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well- I told him I was happy with who I was, he probably knows I'm not interested!" I tell them proudly and doing the coffees and preparing their small snacks.
"Just be careful freckles.. He probably isn't as good as you may think.." Kacchan says looking irritated and I smile at him.
"He isn't a bad person, he'll think of it and he'll understand I'm not gonna leave you! And I'll tell him tomorrow that I'm not interested!" I smile proud of my idea.
"What do you mean tomorrow?" Uraraka asks cautiously.
"He wanted to come hang out more often at the cafe to catch up and-" I cut myself and face palm. "And to get closer to me.." I grumble.
"It's okay freckles, it's not your fault you're dense-" Kacchan sighs loudly and I glare at him putting the orders on the counter.
"I'm sorry..." Uraraka mumbles and I smile softly at her and putting my hand on her shoulder.
"It's not your fault Ocha, you couldn't have known!" I try to reassure her and she shakes her head. Before she answers I feel my phone vibrate and see a message from an unknown number saying : 'Hey Midoriya! It's Shindo, your friend gave me your number, I hope it's okay!'
Reading it I look at Uraraka 'What did you do' face.
"Not for that that I'm sorry.. I may have also gave him your number.." She whispers embarrassed.
"Please don't give my number to random people next time.." I sigh trying not to scold her too loud.
I stop the conversation to go distribute the orders.
I give them around and I feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind.
"Can you come with us tonight? We could spend the day together tomorrow if you want." Kacchan offers in a whisper.
"Tomorrow we're Saturday so I don't see why not, I'll just check up with the two others to make sure they're okay with it." I smile at him turning around to face him and putting my arms around his neck.
"Good, then then I'll come pick you up later today." He smiles kissing my lips softly.
"Enough PDA kids!!" Uraraka says clapping her hands making me laugh and Kacchan 'tsk'.
"Okay mom-" I say sarcastically making us all laugh.

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