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Izuku POV

I slowly open my eyes and see a large chest in front of me and a pair of arms around my waist. I remember yesterday's events as I see the blond who was already looking at me.
"Morning freckles.." He smiles softly and kisses the tip of my nose making me blush.
"Morning Kacchan.." I say in a morning voice. "What time is it?" I ask him and he looks at his clock.
"4:05" He answers and I nod. "I have the day off today.." He mumbles with a smile.
"You can rest, you barley get to just relax recently.." I mumbles smiling back at him.
"Can I spend the day with you at work?" He asks me with a smirk making me giggle.
"You can if you want, but won't you get bored?" I answer him.
"Not as long as I can annoy my dear boyfriend~" He smirks as I laugh.
"Okay then!" I giggle as we get up.

"Wanna eat breakfast at the cafe?" I offer him.
"Why not!" I nod as I grab my clothes and go change and do my morning hygiene. He does the same.

Time skip

"Kacchan! Mask!" I order him and he rolls his eyes doing so.
"Am I that ugly?" He pretends to be offended and I chuckle.
"Yeah, I don't want people to recognize my ugly boyfriend-" I laugh as I fix his hair and we go inside hand in hand.
"Did you ever consider doing the back to extend the place?" He asks me and I nod.
"Yeah.. I want to wait and maybe I'll do it at some point. But where would I stay if you're on tour?" I point out disarming the alarm.
"At our place dumbass-" He flicks my forehead and I blush slightly when he says 'our'.
"Yeah.. But it's huge and it would be empty without you.." I say sadly.
"Then come with me when I go for events!" He says seriously and I look at him wide eye.
"Kacchan- you know all that is WAY more complicated than it looks. Who would take care of the cafe? I can't let Shin take care of everything alone." I explain and he looks thoughtful.
"Then when the time comes, you'll surely have more customers and you'll be able to hire other people!" He says like it's easy like that.
"We'll see when the time comes.." I say softly giving him a quick hug.
"I'm gonna go do a few fresh bagels wanna help?" I offer him and he nods as I show him the kitchen in the back.

"We'll to the bagels, the dough is already ready!" I explain and take it out of the fridge.
"I have no clue how to do that-" He says embarrassed and I laugh a little.
"First, wash your hands." I order him and I do the same.
"Then?" He asks and I take off a tray.
"Here" I lend him a piece of dough.
"Roll it but don't play with it too much or it will be harder to make." I explain as I do the same. After less then a minute I'm done but laugh when I see Kacchan struggle.
"Stop laughing- this shit is hard-" He grumbles embarrassed.

"Wait-" I help him and we finally finish the batch and Kacchan put flour everywhere.
"Kacchan- it's everywhere-" I laugh as I point at the mess he made.
I place the 25 minutes timer after putting the first batch of bagel in the oven.
"No- I didn't notice-" He rolls his eyes sarcastically.
"It's almost 5AM so in about half an hour Aizawa will come in for his usual." I explain starting to clean the flour.
"That old man comes everyday!?" He asks surprised.
"Yup!" I smile at him.
"I appreciate them since they also like routine in their family." I start to explain. "Aizawa comes every morning of the week at 5:30 with the same order. Eri comes at 3:20 after school and always takes a hot chocolate and Fridays she takes a cake. Every two weeks Aizawa comes with his husband at 9:30AM for breakfast." I explain as I explain the ritual that I learned to memorized.
"My boyfriend is a real Nerd-" He says giving me a bear hug from behind.
"Hey! And my boyfriend is an angry Pomeranian." I stick out my tongue and he raises an eyebrow.
"An angry Pomeranian?" He says amused but I glare at him.
"Mhm" I say and I see him putting his chin on my shoulder.
"You'll regret saying that~" He says with a smirk and gives kisses on my neck.
"I won't because it's true." I say proudly but he slightly bites my ear sending shivers all over my body and making me do a weird noise that made me blush.
"Mmhh, you like it when I do that~?" He whispers in my ear and I feel myself become as red as Kirishima's hair.
"N-No-" I mumbles.
"The sweet sound you made tells me otherwise~" He kisses my neck softly again.
"You're cruel you know that?" I sigh embarrassed.
"But you still chose to date me.." He purrs making me blush even more if that's even possible.
"Kacchan- I have to go open the cafe.." I mumble so he can let go as an attempt to stop my embarrassment.
"Fine-" He growls letting me go but before I leave he gives me a soft kiss on the lips. "Now you can go" He smirks as I go switch the sign and unlock the door.
"Kacchan you can keep your mask off but if someone comes in you have to put it back on. Understood?" I glare at him and he shows me the black mask.
"Yes Freckles, I know, I know." He sighs and I smile.
"Good! Shin is off today so I do not want a crowd coming because the great Katsuki Bakugo is here-" I giggle going on my tip toes so I can kiss his cheek.
"BAGELS!" I yell running to take them out of the oven.
"They're not burn.." I sigh in relief.
"Got too distracted by your hot boyfriend?" I look at Kacchan who had a smug look and I glare at him.
"Well if that hot boyfriend is too distracting, I guess I shouldn't have him on work premises" I smirk as he glares at me.
"I tell you. You're cruel.." He grumbles as I laugh and put the bagels on a plate bringing them in the front.
"Now we let them cool down and start an other round." I explaining and doing what I just said.

Time skip it's around noon

The door opens to a small group of girls with two boys who came in. Kacchan was leaning against the wall behind the counter silent while clients would come in.
"Hello welcome to Our Cafe what can I get you today?" I smile as they get in.
"Hi! We would like 8 cappuccinos and 8 cinnamon rolls!" A girl says with a huge smile and I nod. I start preparing their order and eavesdrop their conversation. (We all do that, if you say you don't you're lying-)
"Come on! You should really give him your number!" One girl whisper shouts.
"Oh I can't do that I'm probably to basic for him.." She says clearly trying to get people to oppose her.
"No girl! You're like the perfect person for him!" An other girl boosts he up.
"I mean, I could try- He probably won't call me back tho, he has so many better choices-" She whines.
"Of course not! You're like his perfect match! If he ever sees you, he'll fall head over heals for you. Like- love at first sight!" One girl says dreamingly.
These conversations never get old.
"Here you go! Will it all be on the same bill?" I ask them with a smile putting the order on the counter.
"It's on me today!" One of the girls said taking out her card.
"Okay, It will be a total of 25.38!" She nods completing the transaction and they all take their drinks and desert.
"Come on girl it's now or never!" A girl whisper shouts to the girl, which I imagine, as a crush on someone.

"Hey, is it true that the group Ecstasy
come here often?" The girl asks to me and I nod knowing where this is going.
"Yeah, they come every now and then, why?" I ask her with a smile.
"Well I was wondering if you could give this to Dynamight? Well, Katsuki Bakugo!" She smiles showing me a piece of paper.
"Of course! When he come back I'll give it to him! Dynamight right?" I ask her and she nods.
"Okay then! I hope he'll call you back!" I smile at her.
"Great! Thank you! Oh and please tell him I'm nice and hot!" She smiles confidently and I nod trying not to laugh.
"Will do! Have a nice day!" They leave all laughing and cheery.
I look back at Kacchan who clearly had a smirk under his mask making me chuckle.
"Well then, Katsuki Bakugo some nice and hot girl came in to give you this! I really hope you call her back~" I say trying to be serious but couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Meh- Not interested, I have a gorgeous barista that already takes all my time~" He smirks making me giggle with a blush.
He leans a little and I bring his mask down before I give him a short but sweet kiss. When I separate our lips I put his mask back on.
"Wanna see the jars I was talking about?" I ask him smiling.
"Definitely-" He chuckles and I pull him in the kitchen, since the cafe was empty it was okay to go in the back a little.

"And Voila!" I show him my masterpiece putting the new number in his jar. He burst into laughters seeing it all.
"Omg- You weren't kidding-" He laughs again making me chuckle.
"Nope!" I chuckle putting the jars away.
"You were never planning on giving them to me were you?" He says amused trapping me between him and the counter his arms on each side.
"Maybe?" I say embarrassed.
"Jealous much~" He says in a seductive voice making me flustered.
"No- I-I just didn't want to give random peoples numbers- I mean imagine if it was a crazy stalker-" I say trying to defend myself.
"If you say so freckles~" He smirks kissing me softly. Soon enough the kiss became more heated and he was licking my bottom for entrance and I slightly open my mouth and he slides his tongue inside. We fight for dominance but I lose miserably letting him explore my mouth. After what felt like forever we finally backed away to get air, a string of saliva connecting us.

"I was never planning on giving them to you.." I admit and he smirks as our foreheads touch.
"I know freckles... Anyways.. I would have burned them all if you gave them to me.." He mumbles making me smile.
"I'm happy Kacchan.. I'm happy that I'm with you.." I say under my breath.
"Fuck Freckles- you have no idea how happy to know you're fucking mine and mine only.." He says in a deep voice and I can't help but smile.

"We should go back front, clients could come in anytime.." I mumble and he nods, but before backing up we share one last passionate kiss.

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