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Katsuki POV

"Shin, are you sure you're okay to take care of the place? It's not to much? I can stay if-" I cut him.
"Freckles staying is not an option, I told you already." I say firmly and I feel bad to force him, but it's to make sure he doesn't hurt himself more..
"He's right, you can't work like this. And yes we'll take care of everything, and we promise to call if there's anything wrong. Just be careful and rest, so you can come back good as new." He says to reassure the freckled boy.
"Okay then.. Call me if you need and I'll try to check in as often as possible.." He sighs. "I'll be going and I'll see you soon!" He smiles and after saying goodbye we're outside.

"You're sure you have everything?" I ask him.
"Yeah.." He mumbles.
"Hey Izu, it's okay, they don't mind at all, and you already said you'd pay them more so I'm pretty sure it even makes them happy-" I cup his cheeks so he looks at me.
"B-But it's like leaving my child-" He grumbles making me snort.
"Then your child is in excellent hands." I smirk and kiss the tip of his nose.
"Y-yeah you're right.." He mumbles with a small smile.
"I know I am!" I grin and he playfully pushes my chest with his hand making us both laugh and we get in the car.

"So it's one hour away right?" He asks me once we were already gone.
"Mhm, if you want you can take a nap." I say to him.
"It's okay, I'm curious tho.. How big is the place..?" He asks unsure.
"You'll see~" I smirk playfully knowing very well his jaw will most likely drop.
"I'm scared-" He sighs loudly making me chuckle


"Kacchan, are we there yet?" The greenette asks for the million time.
"No" I sigh for the million time.
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we- Wait where is- Is that- Wha- It-It's huge-" He says looking out the window.

"Are we there yet?" "No""Are we there yet?""Yes""Are we- Wait where is- Is that- Wha- It-It's huge-" He says looking out the window

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"Come on, the inside is even better!" I smirk as he gets out quickly of the car.

"WE'RE BACK!!" I yell entering the house.
"What do you mean we?" I see Uraraka run down the stairs and she smiles at us once she noticed the embarrassed greenette.
"ZUKU!! What are you doing here? How is your wrist?" She asks quickly.
"Kacchan kinda forced me to come and it's better. I'll have to wear the cast for about 5 weeks and after I should be good as new!" He smiles explaining the situation.
"So you're staying here 5 weeks?" Kirishima appears.
"Yeah.." Izu sighs.
"THAT'S SO COOL!!!" Mina joins excitedly the conversation.

"GUYS! I THINK I BROKE THE TOASTER!!!" Someone yells panicked. "IT'S DOING BLACK SMOKE AND LITTLE BOOMS!!" He continues yelling while running out of the kitchen.
"DID YOU FUCKING UNPLUG IT!?!" I yell at him as we all go quickly to the kitchen.
"WHY WOULD I DO THAT!?" He yells back confused.
I don't even take the time to explain and go unplug it and there was a fucking metal knife in it- There was a bunch of sparks coming out of the toaster looking like it was about to explode. I quickly unplug it and glare at him ready to murder him.
"Denki why was there a knife in it?" Izu asks concerned.
"Oh! Hi dude! Didn't see you there. What happened to your arm?" The dumb blond says totally calm like he didn't almost blow up the building.
"I'll explain after but why was there a knife in the toaster?" He repeats himself firmly.
"My pop tart fell and I couldn't get it so I took a knife and tried to take it out but it went on self destruct mode.." He explains quickly.
"ARE YOU OKAY!?! DID YOU GET ELECTROCUTED!!?" Izu yells concerned.
"Oh! I saw somewhere once that you shouldn't put metal on it because it can hurt you! So I put a cooking glove on!... Now that I think of it I think I once saw a meme where the toaster exploded..." He thinks the last part out loud. He also still had the glove on his hand.
"ARE YOU (FUCKING) SERIOUS!?" We all yell in sync.
"Denki.. You are no longer allowed to use toaster and microwaves.." Uraraka sighs with a frown.
"I get the toaster part, but why the microwave?" He asks and I can't stand how dumb he is.
"It's because it does the same thing in the microwave dude-" Kiri says looking concerned by the lack of functioning brain cells of the clueless pikachu.
"Ohhh-" He nods making us understand he understand a minimum.

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