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Bakugo POV

1 week passed by and we were at the hospital to get rid of this stupid cast.
"So now I can finally go back to work!!" The little greenette says excitedly.
"Yeah, and I'll have to go back to that shitty nightmare of a show.." I grumble a frown on my face.
"Oh.. Right.. You'll go back tomorrow.." My boyfriend mumbles to himself disappointed.
"Yup.. 7 hellish weeks left.." I sigh loudly.
"Oh you guys are publishing your new song next week right?" He asks me.
"Yup, we got everything, even the video clip is ready." I explain to him.
"Cool! Can't wait to watch!" He grins.
"Not even asking to see before the public?" I ask him teasingly.
"I know my super famous boyfriend will want to show off as soon as possible~" He smirks.
"Don't be so sure of yourself-" I was cut by a loud voice.
"Izuku Midoriya?" The guy, I guess the doctor, calls coming in the waiting room.
"Yes?" Izu asks looking at him.
"Come with me, I'm the doctor treating you!" The men answers and we go to a room.

"So basically today I'll make sure everything is good to take off the cast!" The doc explains and we nod and he starts all the weird things that doctors do.


"Wait- Isn't this going to open my arm!?" Izu asks worried looking at the electric blade that was going to be used to take it off.
"No, we are extremely careful and you have a layer protecting your skin that won't need to be cut by this." The nurse explains getting her things ready and Izu gulps.
"Nerd chill- She knows what she's going but if you get anxious and move, then she could hurt you. So breathe and I'll be there 'Kay?" I say and he nods unsure.
"Okay, here we go!" The nurse says calmly. She starts the machine and Izu shuts his eyes tightly holding my hand.

"Done! You can go now." The nurse says and leaves the room with a smile and we do the same.
"That was quick!" Izu says cheerfully, like he wasn't about to have a heart attack because of the blade.
"Yup, Wanna go do something? We still got the whole day!" I smile taking his hand as we walk to the underground parking.
"I don't know, oh! I think there's this sort of carnival with a bunch of some kiosks and small rollercoasters and all! Can we go?" He smiles at me brightly, waiting impatient for an answer.
"That sounds nice! It's date." I smirk as he nods with a small blush.
"It's a date!" He smiles softly with a light blush on his cheeks.


"It's here!" He smiles pointing the carnaval.
"Put this on Nerd." I order him handing him a with mask and a cap.
"Why?" He asks confused taking them.
"Nerd, everyone knows you're mine, they'll realize it and guess you're with me. And your green hair is hard to miss" I chuckle ruffling his hair and he nods understanding my point.
"We're like secret agents!" He giggles and I can't help but laugh at his childishness.
"Yup, come on!" I grin as we get out the car.
"What do we do first?" He asks.
"Buy tickets?" I say playing dumb.
"No Kacchan! We're going to break in. OF COURSE WE'RE GOING TO BUY TICKETS!!" He whines discouraged being sarcastic at the beginning and I burst in laughters.

"Tickets for two." I say to the lady behind the counter.
"That'll be 24.45!" She smiles and I nod about to pay but Izu taps his card completing the transaction before I could react.
"Have a nice day!" Izu smiles at the lady taking both our bracelets.
"I was going to pay!" I glare at him and he shrugs his shoulders.
"I know!" He smiles proudly.
"But I brought you on the date! I should pay!" I retorted.
"But I was the first to have the idea to come here!" He answers back.
"Not a reason to pay!" I pout.
"Then the food is on you, is that better?" He smiles hugging my arm and putting his head on my shoulder.
"Fine." I grumble.
"Come on! There's this ride over there that we MUST try!" He smiles pulling me to the destination. It was some sort of thing that turns you around and all.
"And look when you're at the end of the ride you get splashed with water!" He explains pointing at the thing in action.
"Shit-" I grumble under my mask.
"Kacchan?" The greenette asks with a face of concerne.
"What is it freckles?" I ask waiting for his question.
"Are you scared of those rides?" He asks half amused half worried.
"Of course not you damn Nerd! I'm not a fucking pussy!" I answer back offended.
"It's okay, if it makes you anxious we can only do the games on the ground!" He smiles to reassure me.
"Would it be okay?" I ask embarrassed, I just wanted to disappear.
"Of course! Come on, I think I saw an All Might plushy on our way here!" He smiles dragging me away.
I was grateful he wasn't laughing at me because I was 'scared' of those rides.


I went to the bathroom after doing pretty much all the games but when I came out I couldn't find my little green haired boyfriend.
"Where the fuck did he go!?" I ask myself annoyed looking around.
I turn to see a little darker corner next to the toilet cabine and hear people talking and whining. I go quickly, recognizing the little distressed whines.

"Don't think you're a big mighty person now that someone noticed you and how pitiful you are." Boy 1 starts.
"He's probably in it for the sex. You don't mean shit to him!" Another one laughs and I see Izu getting pushed on the wall and I grab the guys collar and throw him on the ground.
"Move the fuck away. We just got started!" One grins mischievously.
"Yeah and it also just ended. So move and go try to do something productive of your lives." I glare at them and one of them snickers.
"You got some guts telling me that. You must be what? A fucking garbage men? You're probably so ugly that you have to cover it up with some stupid mask" The second one smirks pretending to be ready to attack but I didn't budge knowing it was an awful act.
"Really?" I raise an eyebrow amused on how immature he was.
"Yeah. Now move! We gotta remember that little shit some stuff." One orders pointing away.
"Like what? That I pity him? That I'm only in it for sex?" I smirk as I take off my mask.
"And no , I'm not a garbage men. " I glare at them. They take their leave annoyed except for one.
"We'll be back, you'll get bored of him quickly. We'll be there when it comes!" The first boy from earlier says trying to sound confident.
"Don't count on if. Now leave before I call someone to force you to leave." I glare at him and he rolls his eyes, leaving to join his 'friends'.

"Freckles you good?" I ask turning my full attention to him.
"Yeah.." He mumbles with a sad smile.
"Come here." I say opening my arms for a hug. He comes and wraps his arms around me and I do the same holding his waist.
"Thanks Kacchan.." He mumbles nuzzling in my chest.
"Anytime.. If someone is mean like that, don't be scared to beat the shit out of them." I snicker and he giggles.
"Last time I tried, they beat the shit out of me-" He chuckles sadly.
"It's not the first time?" I ask keeping my cool so I don't kill them myself.
"It's okay Kacchan.. Do you want to get ice cream?" He asks me, trying to hide his negative emotions with a fake smile.
"We can and what do think if we go have some fun home after?" I ask him and he knew what I meant by that and he becomes bright red.
"W-we could I-if y-you want to.." He stutters.
"Only if you want to love.." I add.
"Of course I want!" He says excited making me smirk. I lean in and connect our lips savouring the moment.
"Let's go then.." I smirk and head to the ice cream stand anxious but excited for what we'll do later..

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