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Izuku POV

I'll skip the depressing part, Shindo was in trial and with the surveillance camera footage, we had way more then enough evidence to win this trial. Until he is has his sentence, I have a restraining order and he can't be in a radius of 500m from me and if he brakes this perimeter then he will be arrested and will have to be put in a prison. Kacchan was really busy recently and right now, I was waiting for his call to tell me he was here. I knew with his tour coming up he was busy but I still wished he could spend more time with me tho.. I know, selfish.. I don't complain since I couldn't depend on him and I didn't want be the overly clingy type.. So I keep my mouth shut. We closed over 30 minutes ago and I started to run out of things to do in the front. I sigh loudly reaching out for my phone.

Kacchan <3

Me: Hey Kacchan, I just wanted to know if you were passing to pick me up? If not it's okay, I'd just like to know :)

I wait for a few minutes and the message isn't even seen. I get worried, what if he got in an accident? No Kacchan is strong he- My phone vibrates notifying a message.

Kacchan <3: Who the fuck are you!? Leave my fucking boyfriend alone and grow up!

I was shocked, I didn't know what to say. When I tried sending a new message and I realize that he blocked me.. Was this real? I sit on one of the couches in the cafe and just look in the emptiness tears falling down. Maybe someone took his phone? I mean it's a possibility..  I trust Kacchan, I know he isn't like that but.. It's true I'm not enough.. I never was.. Maybe.. Maybe he wanted to move on?
I waited the minutes turned into an hour. I didn't want to go home.. Not now, not until I get a confirmation that this isn't real. I go to the back and sit on my bed and just bring my legs up to my chest. I open a random playlist on my phone and just listen to the lyrics trying to stop my thinking.

Song: Overthinking by Sophie Pecora

I'm overthinking again
Get these thoughts out of my head
They're reaching, and they're not leaving tonight
I'm overthinking again
All these things I never said
They're creeping and they're not leaving tonight

I hum to the music but even if I try not to, the thoughts come back.. Maybe I should call Uraraka..? I sigh and open my phone to Uraraka's number.

"Hey Zuku! What's up?" A cheery voice answers.
"Hi Ocha..! I just wanted to know if Kacchan was still at work..?" I mumble worried.
"No we all left a while ago, why? Is he not there yet?" She asks worried.
"N-No.. And when I texted him, the person that answered said to leave his boyfriend alone and blocked me.. I know it's not the type of thing Kacchan does so I'm just worried.." I admit sadly.
"I'll try calling him okay!? I'll call you right back!" She says before hanging up.

I sigh loudly and decide to go on social media and scroll a little, I don't pay much attention but then I see Kacchan's account I freeze. It was a girl, blond hair in two messy buns, looks like a schoolgirl.. She was pretty.. And she was kissing Kacchan.. The tears fall and I get a notification and just turn my phone off, not checking it. This was all a nightmare, I was going to wake up! Maybe she forced himself on him..? Maybe she took the phone and took the picture? I have to wait for his version.. Maybe it's like Shindo.. Maybe he didn't want to be kissed..
As I get caught in my thoughts I barely notice all the tears running down my face. I get up and take my coat, a beanie and my yellow bag. Maybe a small walk would help.. It was cold but that is probably better right now.. A small layer of snow covered the ground. I listen to the dying chatter around and look at the sun that was slowly going down. I take out my phone and open it remembering I was waiting a call from Uraraka.
Except a notification on Instagram..
An other tear falls. I wanted to go to the place Kacchan showed me but I couldn't get there by foot. I then take a road to go somewhere I didn't go for a while now..
I finally arrive to the place that was surrounded by fences and a large arched door. I enter walking along the lines careful not to step on a lying body. I finally get to the tomb I find comfort in.
"Hey dad.." I mumble to the void.
"I'm sorry to bother you with this.. But I don't know what to think.. I trust Kacchan and I know he would never do something like kissing someone else. Maybe it was just someone crazy that wanted to date him.. But out of context seeing a picture of your boyfriend kissing some girl dosen't look good huh..?" I chuckle sadly.
"And to top of this, someone answered me on his phone claiming that I should leave his boyfriend alone and block me.." I let a tear fall.
"I know you told me to always get both sides of a story but.. I just.. I don't even want to open my phone right now.." I mumble wiping my own tears.
"It's selfish.. Why am I so damn selfish? I could let him explain.. If it was actually staged then Kacchan is probably panicking right now.. But I'm scared that he's maybe not.." I admit looking at the dark blue sky.
"Recently, he's been occupied with all his practices and all those stuff coming for their tour, so he always seems distant but.. I'm bothering enough already, he doesn't need to add to the list clingy and obsessed boyfriend.." I say sarcastically and then chuckle.
"You know that guy I told you about last time? The one that assaulted me?" I ask sadly.
"I ended up filling a report.. If it wasn't for Kacchan I probably wouldn't have done nothing to fight about it.. You wouldn't be proud of me dad.. I can't do anything right.. I overwhelm my boyfriend, I contributed on making mom stay in a asylum for people who committed crimes.. I couldn't even defend myself on my own.. I can't seem to be able to do anything alone.." I sob silently.
"He'd be hella proud of you freckles.." I turn surprised seeing the person talking standing behind me.
"Hey.." I mumble looking at the ground and fidgeting with my fingers.
"I'm guessing you closed your phone?" He asks sadly and I nod finding it hard to let out a word.
"I'm sorry.. I was just scared of the answer.." I admit defeated and slowly look up to see him sitting in front of me.
"I know.. But it was staged, I'll go in details but I want to start by it was staged.. And that I love you and only you." He confesses and I nod with a weak smile.
"I had my doubts about it, it seemed more accurate that it was staged then if you would tell me you were having a secret affair with someone right now.." I smile slightly as I feel him taking my hand..
"Thank you for trusting me.." He whispers with happiness and sadness.
"I always will trust you.. But I'd still like explanations- I mean, this was kind of a shock I didn't even time to study your reaction or anything else.." I say embarrassed and he nods patting his thighs for me to lay on. I end up laying my head while lying down and looked up to his direction meeting his gorgeous crimson eyes.
"Now let me talk, I'll take your questions and complaints after~" He smirks playfully and I chuckle holding his hand and drawing circles on it as I lay there, listening to his every word.

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