Museum (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 6/?? of Third's boyfriend story. 

Third packed his things hurriedly. He didn't have the mood for Khai's stupid remarks. Ignoring his friends, he ran out of the classroom and headed straight for the library. The only place Khai dread. He sent a quick message to Un about his whereabouts. He got a cute sticker with a bunny making an okay sign. It made him smile. Un was unexpectedly a softie. Third, like this about him.

The library was almost empty, and for Third's happiness, quiet and Khai less. He had a stack of thick books lying around him, researching information about ancient Egypt for his script. He enjoyed being alone for about an hour when someone approached him.

"You are still here." Un's voice pulled him out of the reading.

"Hmm. I have a lot to do." He pointed at the books. The taller man sat next to him, reading through the pile. 

"There's an ancient Egypt exhibition in the museum. Let's go. It will help you, and we can count it as a part of our date." Un smiled. Third was speechless. Un was an incredible man. So considerate, gentle, and intelligent. It almost made him cry. Why couldn't he fall in love with him instead of Khai? That stupid, idiotic, self-centred womanizer. 

"And the movie later?" Third, ask hopefully, sending Un puppy eyes. 

"Movie and dinner." Un smiled, nodding. 

"Yes!" Third grinned excitedly. He hesitated a little, convincing himself it was okay to give a quick pack to his boyfriend. Un wasn't Khai, and he wasn't Two, but they agreed to date, so they could move on. He leaned closer to Un, aiming his full lips at his cheek. His mouth touched the heated skin, bring ging out the unfamiliar feeling in his stomach. A loud gasp echoed through the library, making Third pull away. 

"Cute!" Bone cooed, wriggling his eyebrow. 

"I didn't know Third could be this sweet." He added. 

"He is, isn't he?" Un confirmed, and Third couldn't stop the blush from spreading. He dared to glance at Two and Khai standing slightly behind Bone. Khai seemed angry, but Two's expression was different. Was he hurt? 

"You are really dating." Two said, stunned. 

"Yes. Did you think I was joking?" Third nodded, turning back to his boyfriend. He saw the sadness in his eyes, and he understood. It wasn't easy for him too. Third put his hand on Un's, squeezing it lightly. 

"You should go. You have a class."

"Yes, I should." Un nodded, standing up. He made Third look up, kissing his lips quickly.

"I will call you later." He smiled before walking away, leaving him with his friends. 

"Date?" Bone asked. Third, didn't know what to say, still slightly surprised by the unexpected kiss. He knew Un did it mostly to spite Two and Khai, though. 

"Date." He confirmed at the end, avoiding Khai's piercing gaze. 

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