Ancient (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 4/?? of Devils in the House.  

The demons scanned the small room. Black snorted, and Sean was sure that only White's hand on his arm kept him from burning down the place. 

"Disgusting," Black remarked, and honestly, it pissed him off. 

"Look, I know you didn't want to be here and believe me, I don't fancy you too. I don't care if you lived in an ancient castle, dungeon or where demons stay, but beggars can't be choosers." 

As soon as the last sentence left his mouth, Sean realized he fucked up. He would really use a brain-to-mouth filter sometimes. He gulped, watching the red flames igniting Black's dark horns.

"We are sorry, Sean. We appreciate your hospitality." White spoke up, and Sean couldn't help but nod. 

"It's okay. You aren't here by choice, anyway." He didn't understand how different White was from Black. So kind and calm. Was he even a demon? 

"I am a demon. Not a good one, though. A failure." White said as if he was reading his thoughts. 

"Don't talk to him." Black interrupted their conversation. 

"Leave," Black demanded. The flames travelled down his neck and started to approach his shoulders. It was scary. 

"Make yourself home. Call if you need anything, White." Sean addressed the better demon. He sneaked out of the room, leaving the brothers alone. He strolled back to the others, thinking. White called himself a failure. It bothered him. He wanted to get to know White better.

"Now tell me, why did you snoop through my things?" Gumpa asked, arms crossed. 

"It was Sean's idea." Yok and Gram pointed at him. Gumpa's eyes scanned him, judging. 

"I didn't do anything, you liars!" Sean shouted, perplexed. 

"I don't care whose idea it was. You can't read stuff you don't understand. We have two demons here now, and getting them back will be hard." Gumpa scolded them. 

"For that, you three are responsible for them." He added. 

"Yes, hia." They all nodded, and Sean already had a nasty feeling he would be the one taking care of them. 

"I am going to the office to figure out what to do." Gumpa glared at them one more time before he left. 

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