Discovery (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Okay, guess who had a new idea for another miniseries? I didn't even finish the others and started another.  🤦‍♀️

Sean knew reading from an ancient-looking book with a strange title was wrong. All the alarms in his head screamed to stop Yok and Gram, but he was too slow. The second the last sentence slipped from Gram's mouth, Sean knew they were doomed. The light's started to flicker, and the temperature dropped to the point Sean started to shiver. Sometimes he wished Yok wasn't such a nosy prick and stopped digging through Gumpa's things, which leads to unwanted discoveries and quite uncomfortable situations. 

A loud bang echoed through the building, and a cloud of smoke appeared right in the middle of the hall. The smell of sulfur hit Sean's sensitive nose. He tried not to inhale much of the smelly dust by covering his nose and mouth. The cloud slowly disappeared in thin air, revealing the figure hidden inside. 

The short man with jet-black hair and something pointy sticking out of his head. Sean gulped. The guy, or what Gram summoned, slowly turned around, showing them his face. He could practically see the anger flowing out of him. The piercing red eyes scanned his surrounding. Sean heard Gram and Yok gasp as the figure moved forward, and his horns burst into flames. 

"You fucking pieces of shit!" The demon growled. 

"Send me right back!" He stomped toward him, making Sean step back. It was too late. The short gremlin caught him by the collar, pulling him closer to his pissed-off face. 

"Send me back this instant." He repeated, and Sean would love to do it, but the problem was, he didn't have the slightest idea how to do it. 

"I don't know how." Sean stuttered, glancing at Gram and Yok. His two friends were frozen, watching him get assaulted by the demonic creature. 

"I am going to fucking kill you all!" The demon roared. Sean closed his eyes. He was ready to join his parents in the afterlife when the familiar voice echoed through the garage. 

"What have you done?!" 

The grip on his collar loosened, and Sean was never happier to hear Gumpa's voice. Sean opened his eyes, quickly wriggling out of the man's hold and hurried toward's the older male hiding behind him. He wasn't a wimp, but for some reason, he had sensed Gumpa knew what to do.

"You, send me back!" The devil pointed at Gumpa. 

"I would love to... But it's not possible for now." 

The demon growled, irritated. 

"Then bring my brother here." The short creature said, and Sean knew it wasn't a question.

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