Conspiracy (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 11/?? Of Third's boyfriend story. 

Third, woke up in the morning in an unfamiliar bed. Thanks to his still-dazed brain, it took him a while to realize what happened last night. He turned his head to the side, confirming that Un wasn't beside him. He was probably out in the kitchen like a good boyfriend to make them breakfast. He shifted on the mattress, wondering why he wasn't in pain. Closing his eyes, he let the memories flow in. 

Sitting on Un's lap, grinding against him. 

The hot make-out session. 

Getting lifted, taken to the bedroom and tossed on the bed. 

Un takes off his shirt, showing off his muscles. Him getting undressed. 

Un's fingers and mouth map his skin from head to toe. 

And the breathtaking hand job. 

Third, sighed, partly relieved, partly disappointed. They didn't do the deed. He stopped Un before it could happen. It wasn't fair. The conspiracy of his heart and mind was too painful to bear. Even in a horny state, with a foggy mind, ready to enjoy what his boyfriend could give him, he still wanted Khai. The soft sob escaped his mouth.

The door opened, revealing Un. 

"Third, are you okay?" He asked, walking towards him. The worry on his face made Third cry even harder. The strong arms hauled him, embracing him as he poured out his heart once again. 

"I am sorry. I couldn't." Third, choked out.

"It's okay. I know. I couldn't too." Un, assured him, rocking them back and forth. 

"I am sorry. I wanted it. But, Khai." He couldn't stop apologizing, and Un didn't stop reassuring him. And that moment, when he was curled in Un's arms, Third realized he couldn't move on. He will forever love the most selfish man in the world. 

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