Artifact (Maetee/T-Rex)

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Flea markets were weird places. Maeteed didn't know what his mother liked about them. There were too many people selling strange artifacts. Maetee didn't like it one bit. He followed his mother through the market, only to lose her in the jumble of stalls. He wasn't scared, but not having her in sight made him nervous. Running around the place seemed to be ineffective, so he slowly walked from stall to stall, hoping he would meet her somewhere. His eyes landed on the object lying on the old table. The green pendant shone among the other necklaces, catching his full attention. 

"You have great taste." The old lady smiled at him. She took the jewel and placed it in Maetees hand. The gem wasn't as heavy as Maetee thought it would be. He rolled it in his palm, hesitating before he handed it back to the seller. 

"No, it's yours." The lady said, refusing to take it back.

"But I don't want to buy it." Maetee shook his head. 

"It must be expensive." He added. The woman smiled at him.

"Take it. No need to pay."

"What are you saying?" Though he wanted the jewel, he was uncomfortable with just taking it. Not mentioning the lady was scary. Maybe the pendant was cursed. 

"It's yours. And don't worry. It's not cursed. Though, there is a saying that it will glow when you find your soulmate." The old lady winked at him.

"Maetee!" His mother's voice caught his attention. He turned around, spotting her waving at him from the end of the alley. 

"Go, boy. Good luck." The seller gestured for him to go.

"Thank you." He nodded, before running to his mother, the pendant secured in his pant pocket.

 It was already dark outside when he returned home. Maetee didn't think any of Tees would be awake still, but the lights in the living room were on. Stepping inside the building, he saw T-Rex watching TV, snuggling in the blanket and munching on snacks. 

"Welcome home, Maetee." T-Rex smiled at him, making his heart skip a beat. 

"I am home," Maetee replied shyly. And if the necklace was on his neck instead in his pocket, they could have seen it glow. 

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