Memorable (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 3/?? of Deamons in the House. 

Weird, scary, awkward. Sean didn't know how to describe it. The demon twins were roaming around the garage while he, Gumpa, Gram and Yok silently observed them from afar. Rather Black explored while White held his hand, trailing behind him like a lost puppy. It was funny. Weren't demos supposed to be horrifying instead of cute? Sean shook his head, concentrating on the duo, who made their way towards them. He noticed the flames on Black's horns almost disappeared. They were no longer angry red but light blue with a hint of green in the middle. Maybe it indicated the gremlin was calming down. 

"Shit place." Black opened his mouth, and Sean had to suppress the urge to punch him. 

"Not good for White." He added, glaring at the gang. 

"I am sorry you don't find this place suitable to your taste." Gumpa apologized. Sean's breath hitched. He was so tempted to say something he would probably regret later. 

"So why don't you conjure up something better for yourself?" Yok dared to ask. Black's eyes flashed with anger, the flames slowly changing their colour. 

"We don't have the power of creation." White's soft voice echoed through the building. 

"We were born to destroy." He continues speaking.

"I was, not you." Black interrupted, looking at his brother. His eyes softened, and the fire on his horns was gone. 

"You don't have to taint your pure skin. I won't let you." Black touched his brother's pale cheek gently, and Sean felt like something memorable and intimate was happening before him. He averted his eyes, trying not to prey on their businesses. Though, he was curious. There must be a reason why Black's skin was covered in tattoos. And White's remained untouched by the ink. 

"There's a backroom you can use." Gumpa interrupted the twin's moment. 

"Sean will take you there. It needs a little cleaning, but you should be alright in there for now." He added. Sean sighed, straitening his back. 

"Follow me." He reluctantly stepped forward, leading the demons to the unused room. 

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