Chisel (Bright/Liftoil)

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Bright leaned against the bar, observing the college students singing a happy birthday song to the short guy. The boy looked surprised yet cute with wide eyes. He probably didn't know his friends had prepared the celebration for him. One of two girls held the cake, urging him to blow out the candles. Bright's eyes focused on the puffed cheeks, suppressing the smile creeping on his face. The boy was way too adorable. 

"We have a surprise for you." The tall, dark-haired guy grinned, turning to Bright to give him a sign. Bright nodded, going to the kitchen to bring the gain ice cube with a box inside. He didn't know where those guys came up with this idea, but he was interested in the birthday boy's reaction. He wheeled the gift inside the room, stopping near the tiny boy. 

"What's this?" The guy asked, eyeing the cube suspiciously. 

"Your gift is inside. You need to get it yourself." The long-haired girl grinned, handing him a chisel. 

"Padlom, you know I hate cold." The birthday boy whined, yet he accepted the tool. 

"That's the reason why we get you this, Liftoil." The other guy said, pushing the pair of gloves to Liftoil. 

"P'Alan, please." Liftoil tried to use puppy eyes on the taller male. He seemed to hesitate but managed to shake his head. 

"I hate you all," Liftoil grunted, putting on the gloves. Brighed stepped aside, observing the guy's futile efforts to dig into the ice and get his gift. He chuckled at his adorable hopelessness before he noticed Liftouil's friends laughing at him. It didn't sit well with him. Frowning, Bright moved back to the birthday boy, poking his shoulder. 

"Yes?" Liftoil stopped working, glancing at him. Bright noticed the hint of tears gathering at the corner of the younger's eyes. He sent a glare at Liftoil's friends before spoking up. 

"I will help you."

Liftoil hesitated, scanning him from head to toe. 

"Not for free, though," Bright smirked. 

"How much?" Liftoil asked.

"Go on a date with me." Bright winked, making Liftoil speechless. The room was silent, and Bright had a feeling he had miscalculated. He must have looked like a total creep. 

"Okay," Liftoil answered, handing him the chisel and the gloves. 

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