Blend (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 7/?? of Third's boyfriend story. 

Third never dressed up when he was about to go out with the gang, always aiming for comfortable clothes. Now he was standing in front of his closet, carefully thinking about what to wear. Maybe the fact he wasn't on a date for a long time was the cause of his sudden self-awareness. He wanted to look good for himself, and Un. At least Khai should know what he was missing. 

All dressed up, Third picked up his bag and hurried downstairs. He spotted his boyfriend standing next to his car, patiently waiting. It was a lovely sight, though his heart ached for Khai. Imagining his best friend taking him out, Third seemed to like torturing himself. Shooking his head, he put on a smile, walking towards the waiting man. 

"Did you wait long?" Third asked. Un straightened up, sending him a wide smile. 

"Not at all. Let's go." Un opened the door for him. 

"Thank you, gentleman," Third winked at the taller, receiving a grin back. The ride was pleasant. Talking with Un was diametrally different from talking with Khai. He knew many things, and their conversation never died or got awkward. They parked in front of the museum and strolled towards the building. Third glanced at Un's hand, considering holding it. It was normal for a couple to walk hand in hand, so why was he hesitating?

And maybe if Third looked around the parking lot instead of thinking about holding hands with Un, he would have seen Khai's beloved Charles hardly blending in with the other motorbikes. 

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