Sculpture (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: Guess who started another miniseries? 

Off groaned, hiding his head under the duvet, trying to mute the loud noise coming from the living room. He pretended not to hear anything until the crashing sound echoed from the house. He sighed, crawled from the warm bed, and shuffled out of his bedroom, knowing the two little devils he was supposed to babysit for his sister and brother-in-law, probably destroyed half of his belongings. 

"Nirin, Akin." Off called the two gremlins. 

"Morning, uncle." Nirin greeted him with a smile.

"Morning, uncle," Akin repeated after his sister. 

"Morning." Off huffed, scanning the floor covered with pillows, toys and his beloved camera. 

"How many times did I tell you not to touch my cameras?" He pointed at the device. 

"Sorry, uncle." Nirin pulled off the puppy eyes, and Off couldn't fight it. At least not when he got out of bed a moment ago. 

"Whatever. Go dress up. I don't feel like making breakfast. We are going out." Off dismissed the siblings and went to pick up his precious darling from the floor before he changed his clothes. 

An hour later, they were on the way to the nearby cafe. But dragging his niece and nephew through the park was the wrong idea. The two children disappeared after they spotted the colourful bubbles flying towards them from behind the sandstone sculpture. He ran after them, shouting their names, but the hyperactive siblings were already playing around with some stranger and another child. 

"Nirin! Akin! You can't run away like this. What if you get lost?!" Off scolded them.

"Don't be hard on them, please." The velvet voice made him look up. Off could swear he never saw anyone so beautiful before. Short black hair, sparkling doe eyes, fair skin and juicy lips. The stranger was watching him with a soft smile. 

"Uncle, bubbles." Nirin and Akin pleaded with the stranger, and only then did Off recognise the bubble blower in the man's hand. 

OffGun April Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now