Statue (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 38/?? of Doctor White story. We have a cute Sean/White moment.

White almost laughed, feeling his brother stiff like a statue in his hug. He was sure Black didn't like the idea of being a model for Yok, but he made an exception for him. White was about to snuggle closer when the familiar voices echoed through the building. His twin immediately detached himself, finding an excuse to leave. White unconsciously puffed out his cheeks, receiving an affectionate cooing from Yok.

"So cute." 

White immediately turned red, but he didn't have time to hide because Gram and Sean made an entrance. His heart skipped a beat seeing Sean carrying his full stuffed backpack. 

"We are back," Gram announced. Black was immediately at his side, taking another backpack from him. White didn't miss the light touch of his brother's fingers against Gram's arm. He will surely ask about it later. For now, he focused on Sean. The taller male walked towards him with a huge smile adorning his face. White couldn't help but smile back. 

"P'Sean, welcome back." He greeted him. 

"Hi. I brought your things." Sean grinned, sitting next to him on the bed. Yok made a snickering sound. 

"Thank you." White let Sean hand him the bag and briefly looked through it. There was everything necessary. Clothes, hygiene, underwear, his wallet, and so on. There was only one thing missing. The one that was most important to him. White's eyes glistered with unshed tears. He couldn't blame Sean for not taking it with him. 

"I almost forgot." Sean grinned, pulling White out of his sad bubble. He watched the older man unzipping his jacket and taking out the black-ragged plush dog. White's eyes widened. 

"Tao-Tao." He breathed out, ripping the toy from Sean's hand. He hugged the plushie against his chest happily. 

"I couldn't fit him in the backpack, so I put him here." Sean pointed at his chest. 

"Thank you, P'Sean." White didn't know what got into him when he leaned closer and kissed  Sean's cheek. 

"Too much PDA!" Yok shouted, startling them. 

"What the fuck!" Black's voice resonated through the room, and if Gram hadn't held his arm in a tight grip, he would definitely stomp over to them and probably killed Sean, though the kiss wasn't exactly his fault. 

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