Recreation (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 10/?? of Third's Boyfriend story. I forgot to post this yesterday 😱
We have a tiny 18+ scene. 🙃

Third's heart hurt. His face was stained with tears. He tried to wipe them, but they kept running. What a deja vu. This situation felt like a cheap recreation of his bathroom breakdowns. Though, this time, he wasn't alone. Un was silently driving, only his palm reassuringly on his thigh. Third didn't even register that they parked in front of Un's building complex. He let his boyfriend lead him out of the car and inside his apartment. He was gently set on the sofa, and a moment later, there was a glass with water in his palm. 

"Drink," Un commanded, and Third did. He gulped down the whole thing in one go. 

"I am sorry. I ruined our date." Third, sobbed. 

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." Un sits beside him, taking the empty glass from him and putting it on the coffee table before pulling him into the embrace. 

"Khai and Two are idiots." Un tightened his grip, kissing the top of Third's head. 

"I don't understand why Khai act like a total asshole." Third, choked out. 

"Maybe he's jealous?" Un suggested. 

"Khai, being jealous? Funny." Third, send a dismissive look at his man. 

"And even if he is. I am dating you." He added, leaning closer to Un, letting their lips connect in a heated kiss. Third knew it wasn't the right way to move on from Khai, and it will only hurt him more, but he was done with the constant heartache. He felt Un's palm sneaking under his shirt, travelling up his torso, exploring his bare skin. Un broke the kiss, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." Third breath out, crawling onto Un's lap, grinding their clothed lower regions before he dived for another kiss. 

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