Fossil (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 39/?? of Doctor White story. 

White was hugging his plushie, smiling lightly. He was dragged away from Sean by his brother and placed on the old couch. Black was sitting next to him, sending daggers at Sean, who didn't hesitate to sit across from them. 

"You still have him." Black opened his mouth, pointing at the tattered dog. White nodded. Tao-Tao was hidden inside his suitcase since he came back, and honestly, White forgot he had him the second he was back in his twin's arms. 

"Father found out I took him to Russia with me and threw him away. I dug him out of the dustbin at night and hid him under the mattresses every morning so he won't find out." 

"I swear, I will kill that old fossil one day." Black cursed, pulling White into the hug. 

"He seemed pretty well used," Gram remarked as he took place beside Sean. 

"I have him since forever. P'Black won him for me at a school event when we were small." White smiled at the memory. 

"Sweet." Yok laughed from his place on the bed. White heard Black snorting, and he couldn't stop the soft giggle from escaping. 

"It's nice to hear you laugh," Sean commented, making him blush. 

"I would like to hear it more." He added. 

"You have a nice voice." Gram agreed immediately. 

"Not only voice. His face is pretty." Yok joined in.

"Can you stop flirting with my baby brother?" Black growled. White could tell he was annoyed, but not to the extent of hurting his friends. The room went silent before the group laugh resonated through the empty building. It was nice to see Black carefree and happy with his friends. White was glad he had them by his side while they were separated. At least his twin lived a little better than him. Gram's phone started ringing, disturbing the peaceful atmosphere. 

"Yes, hia?" Gram picked up the call. "Wait, I will put you on speaker." 

White watched Gram fumble with the device, and soon Gumpa's voice could be heard.

"Boys, peck all the necessary things." He commanded, and White couldn't miss the urgency in his tone. 

"Don't leave any trace behind. Dan and I will be back within 30 minutes." 

"Okay," Gram answered.

"Did something happen?" Black asked. The silence from the other side of the call made White uneasy. 

"Tawi's men lurked around the garage, and I have an unpleasant feeling he work's with your father." 

White's heart stopped for a second. The grip on his waist tightened. 

"I will tell you more later. White can make sure Yok is ready to travel?" Gumpa addressed him, pulling him out of the stupor. 

"Sure." He agreed. 

"See you later." Gumpa, hang up. 

"He won't get near you," Black whispered into his hair. "I won't let him." He added, and White believed him. 

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