Introspection (Pick/Rome)

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Pick whipped the foggy mirror with his hand and looked at his distorted reflection. He wasn't sure when his face became so torn. The dark circles under his eyes pointed to his lack of sleep for the past week. There was even a  strand of silver hair growing at the side. Though Pick found it an unsightly sign of his ageing, Rome would have loved it. He could easily imagine his boyfriend's soft fingers running through the unruly strands and the wide loving smile with that cute dimple Pick loved so much on him. 

But Rome wasn't here. 

The rollercoaster of emotions rushes through him, bringing out the memories of his past self. The selfish, rude, angry Pick, who didn't know better than torture the most beautiful human being in the world. 

Pick sighed, washing his tired face with cold water, ending the introspection with a last glance in the mirror. He walked back to the bedroom, nestling under the blanket that was so cold without his boyfriend. Pick checked the time and held the phone closer to his heart. 

He closed his eyes for the moment. Soon the device will ring, and Rome's name will show on the screen. He will pick up the video call and smile at his boyfriend's pretty face. They will talk until one of them fall asleep. They will survive another day without each other, and it will go on for another week. After that, Rome will finally be back in his arms. 

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