Exhume (Maetee/T-Rex)

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"No." Maetee exhaled sharply. His eyes were fixed on the Tv. 

"The bodies from the robbed graves had to be exhumed." The announcer presented the news. Maetee shivered. The dead were disturbed, and their souls now probably roamed through the city to find the thieves. 

"What if they show up here?" He mainly murmured to himself, scanning the living room with wary eyes. He quickly turned off the television, practically running to his room. He didn't want to disturb his short boyfriend while studying, but his fear was overwhelming. Quietly Maetee tiptoed to their bed, hiding under the blanket, hoping T-Rex won't think much about it. 

"You okay, Maetee?" The younger asked, turning his head towards him. 

"Of course." Maetee nodded, biting his lower lip as he avoided T-Rex's eyes. He heard a soft snort, and before he could say anything, his tiny man was already under covers with him. 

"Liar." T-Rex smiled, pulling Maetees head against his shoulder and kissing his forehead. T-Rex knew him so well. Maetee snuggled closer to the soft body, letting the warmth calm him. 

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