Treasure (Pat/Non)

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Author's note: Epilogue of Pat's baby bird story.

Pat was happily humming while driving. He was on his way home from work and couldn't be more excited. It didn't take him much time, and he parked in front of a lovely medium size villa. Pat was against moving in here at first, but his mother insisted and when his boyfriend fell in love with the kitchen and then the garden, he couldn't help but agree. He practically runs inside the house, toeing off his shoes while inhaling the sweet scent lingering through the building. Pat grinned, tossing his bag on the couch before he hurried into the kitchen. The sight before him made him stop for a moment. His eyes stayed on his beautiful man, dancing around the kitchen, cooking dinner. Pat treasured these moments the most. 

"I am home, baby bird," Pat announced his arrival. Non turned around, a smile spreading across his pretty face. 

"Welcome home, honey." Nonsee greeted him back. Pat walked closer to the smaller male, enveloping him in a hug before kissing his pouty lips. 

"I missed you," Pat whined, making Nonsee giggle. It was already a month since his beloved baby bird was out of the hospital, and it was good. But sometimes Pat missed the days he could visit him during the day. Now he had to wait to get home to see his boyfriend. 

"I missed you too." Non replayed, packing Pat's lips. 

"Go refreshed. Mom will be here in a minute." He added, pushing him towards the stairs. Pat let out an agonising whine, not wanting to leave Nonsee. He didn't know why his mother had to visit them so often. She loved Non so much that he sometimes felt jealous. At least she makes up for all the motherly love Tawan denied to his baby bird. 

"I am going." Pat huffed, kissing Nonsee's head before striding to their room. He needs to get ready so he won't get nagged again. 

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