Conserve (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 9/?? of Thir's boyfriend story. Third, make an important decision. 

When the Two approached them, his camera dangling around his neck, Third wanted to shout. He glared at Khai, knowing their meeting wasn't a coincidence. 

"Speak before I conserve you like these mummies." He growled through his teeth. 

"Hi, Third." Two waved at him, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 

"Why are you here? And don't try to lie." Third frowned. 

"We are not stalking you and your boyfriend." Two quickly denied. He couldn't be more obvious.

"You think I am stupid?" Third asked, not impressed.

"Why can't you just let me date in a piece?" He didn't know what to say anymore. 

"Go on. Be lovey-dovey with your man. No one is stopping you." Khai barked out. Third, glanced at him, and the wave of sadness hit him like a truck.

"Why can't you be happy for me? Don't I deserve to be happy too? Don't I deserve to have someone by my side?" His eyes filled with tears, and Third was done stopping them. He was done pretending to be okay in front of Khai. Third, let the tears stream down his face. 

"Third, I." Khai didn't have a chance to finish the sentence because Un popped up behind him. He wrapped his long arm around Third's waist, pulling him toward his chest, and let him hide away from his friends. 

"We are leaving." Was all Un said, guiding him towards the car. As Third sits in the vehicle, looking out the window, he spots Khai and Two near the parking lot. The guilt and sadness were painted all over their faces. They ruined a date he was looking forward to. They had no right to look like this at all. Third decided to ignore them from now on. 

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