Bones (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 2/?? of Devils in the House story. 

"Then bring my brother here." The demon commanded. A shiver runs down Sean's spine at the low controlling voice. He glanced at Gumpa, hoping the older man would refuse. There's no way to have two of these creatures in the garage or, God forbid, running loose around the city.  

"I need your and his name to do it," Gumpa answered. 

"Are you insane, hia?" Sean dared to speak. 

"Look, Sean. I can't send him back now. I don't have the required things for that. And he's furious. And believe me. He won't just break our bones if we piss him off more." 

Sean gulped, nodding in agreement. He didn't fancy life, but dying under the demon's hands wasn't exactly his favourite kind of death. The angry creature moved towards them, glaring at Gram, who was holding the book.

"Gram, hand me the book, please." Gumpa stretched his arm. 

"Here." Gram quickly abandoned the cursed literature, hiding behind Sean along with Yok. Gumpa browsed through the book, locating the right summoning spell. 

"Names, please." Gumpa addressed the demon. The short creature stopped a meter away from them. The flames spread from his horns on his bare tattooed arms. Only now, Sean dared to check the guy closely. He was dressed in a leather vest tied with the string in the middle, pants, high boots and a sleeveless coat, all in black colour. The revealed skin was inked with strange patterns Sean didn't understand. Both his ears were pierced, carrying a variety of silver jewels. Though the demon was short, he was somewhat intimidating. 

"Black. My brother's name is White." The gremlin answered, and Sean did all he could not burst into laughter. Gumpa nodded and started to mumble something. The lights flickered again, and Sean knew what would come next. The temperature dropped, then a loud bang and cloud of sulfur smoke. But what stepped out of it made Sean speechless. The demon with a similar high as his brother, dressed in shorts, a loose, long-sleeved open shirt, and high boots. All of them were the same dark colour. The only thing different from the burning demon was the glasses on his pretty crying face. 

"P'Black." White shrieked, and Sean, Gram and Yok had to plug their ears. 

"White!" Black shouted back, running to his brother. They embrace each other as if they didn't see each other for years. The flames on Black's arms faded, but the horns were still on fire. It seemed they weren't out of danger. The demon sibling turned to them, and Sean couldn't help to observe White more. He was cuter than his identical twin. Big doe eyes, full lips, pale skin, with no trace of ink on them, at least what Sean could tell for now. Sean shook his head, dismissing the absurd thought. 

"My name is Gumpa, and I am sorry that these reckless kids brought you here. I will send you back as soon as possible."

"You better." Black hissed, still holding his brother protectively. 

"This is Sean, Gram and Yok." Gumpa pointed at each of them. Sean dared to wave at the two demons but hid his arm as soon as Black's piercing red eyes settled on him. Why did he have a feeling that the gremlin didn't like him?

"Stay here until I get you back to your world," Gumpa said, making Sean's eyes pop out. He wasn't ready to share a living space with two evil creatures. 

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