Docent (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Part 8/?? of Third's Boyfriend story.

For a while now, Third had a feeling he was watched. They paid for the docent-guided tour, and he couldn't help but feel someone's eyes on his back, but as much as he looked around, he couldn't see anyone. Third tried to focus on the guide ignoring the weird sensation, and soon enough, he was enjoying his date. At some point, he somehow managed to take Un's hand while pointing at the old sarcophagus. Their hands stayed clasped for the rest of the tour. Only when he excused himself to the restroom could Third glimpse a familiar face hiding behind the pillar. The wave of anger washed over him. He stomped over the hiding figure.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He whisper-shouted.

"Oh, hey, Third. What a coincidence." Khai greeted him. 

"Coincidence, my ass. What are you doing here?" Third repeated his question, waiting for the answer. He was beyond pissed. Did Khai follow them?

"I heard the exhibition is interesting." 

"Since when are you interested in Egypt?" Third huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 

"I can be interested in anything I want." Khai shot back. 

"And I am not here alone." He added, pointing at the person coming their way. Third took a deep breath, bracing himself for another heartache as he expected to see and beautiful girl Khai picked up as his date. His eyes widened when he spotted Two. What the hell was going on? 

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