Mural (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Part 13/?? of Pick/Rome part-time story.

The second they stepped into the building, Rome let out a stunned exhale, and Pick could understand why. On the foyer's wall in front of them was a mural with every kind of animal. Pick was overwhelmed the same way when he saw it for the first time. 

"It's beautiful, right?" Pick smiled at Rome.

"Pretty." Rome nodded, his eyes were sparkling, and Pick couldn't help but admire the boy's beauty. 

"Wait till you see the real animals." Pick tugged at their intertwined hands, leading him toward's the counter. 

"Hello, N'Pick. What brings you here?" The older lady greeted him. Pick felt his face heating. 

"Can we go inside?" Pick asked, trying to subtly indicate the beautiful boy by his side was his date. The woman seemed to take a hint after scanning their joined hands. 

"Why not. At least you can look after the newborn puppies." She smiled at them. 

"Thank you, Phi." Pick returned the smile, dragging the shy Rome towards the back entrance. He can't wait to see Rome's face when he meets the cute puppies. 

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