Study (Maetee/T-Rex)

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It didn't happen that often Watee saw his brother so exhausted and immersed in his books. The exams were getting close, and T-Rex had a lot to study. He stayed closed in his room most of the time and went out only when he needed to go to the bathroom. Sometimes he caught a glimpse of Maetee bringing a  plate with food to their shared room. Watee hoped the annoying scary cat took care of his younger brother well. Of course, he could check on him, but his pride didn't allow him. So he secretly observed Maetee, making sure he got everything T-Rex needed and made Maitee prepare special meals for T-Rex. 

Later T-Rex passed all his tests with flying colours, and Watee was glad he could hide his excitement under the scowl while watching Maetee kissing his brother happily. 

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