Example (Off/Gun)

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"Thank you, Papii. I love you." Gun squealed happily, kissing Off neck before running out of the room.

"Love you too." Off beamed, watching the younger disappear through the door. 

"This, my friend, is a perfect example of being whipped." Arm poked Off's side, getting his attention. 

"I am not whipped." Off snickered, rolling his eyes in fake annoyance. 

"Yes, Peng, you are." Tay joined the conversation. 

"Your face says otherwise." Arm laughed, patting Off's shoulder. 

"But Gun is as much whipped for you." He assured him. Off grinned, scanning his friends from head to toe. 

"He is, isn't he." Off nodded, glancing back at the door, waiting for his little mouse to return to him. It didn't take long for Gun to burst through the entrance with a big smile on his pretty face. He immediately navigated into Off's outstretched arms, snuggling to his chest. Off hummed happily, kissing the top of Gun's head. 

"Whipped." Tay and Arm shook their heads, leaving the couple alone in their little world. 

OffGun April Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now