Priceless (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: Part 3/??? of Bubble Love. Off meets Gun's boyfriend. 

"Gun!" The excited voice pulled Off out of thinking. He snapped his head to the side, scanning the approaching man from head to toe. He was tall and well-built. His short, dark hair was sticking everywhere as if he had just woken up. And was it a tiny white dog running next to him? 

"P'Tay! Bibi!" Gun exclaimed, standing up from the bench and putting his brother on the ground to welcome the duo. The tiny puppy jumped in his stretched arms, licking his face. 

"I missed you too, Bibi." Gun giggled, scratching the puppy. 

"So you didn't miss me?" That Tay guy arrived slightly breathless, pulling Gun in a hug.

"Of course, I missed both my pets." Gun laughed, pulling away from the hug.

"Who do we have here?" Tay smiled, bending to pick up Win. The kid grinned at the tall man. 

"Uncle." Win squeaked when Tay poked his chubby cheek.

 Off stood not far from them, silently watching the encounter. Seeing Gun smile like this while meeting his faen made his heart hurt. He was ready to excuse himself, his niece and his nephew when Gun turned around, smiling at him. 

"P'Tay, this is P'Off, his niece Nirin and nephew Akin. We will join them for breakfast." Gun introduced him.

"P'Off, this is P'Tay," He pointed at Tay. Off tried to force a smile. 

"Nice to meet you," 

"Likewise. Gun's friends are my friends too." Tay grinned. 

They walked toward the cafe. Tay carried sleepy Win while Gun held Nirin's hand as she demanded. The tiny dog's leash in her other hand. Aking was secured in Off's arms, and he couldn't help glancing at Gun. The sight was priceless. If only Tay wasn't the younger's boyfriend. 

OffGun April Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now