Exhibit (Pat/Non)

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Author's note: Last part of Pat/Non story. It took 19 parts to finish, but think they deserve an epilogue, too. 😉

"Hi, mom. Why are you calling?"

"It's done. The Bussababan empire is mine." His mother announced as if it was nothing. Pat's breath hitched, glancing at Non snuggled to his chest. 

"That's why Tawan tried to kidnap Non." Pat breathed out. 

"She did what?!" His mother whisper-yelled, shocked. 

"She tried to kidnap my boyfriend. And don't worry. I stopped her in time." Pat grinned, waiting for his mother's response. 

"I knew only Tawan could exhibit this kind of behaviour. Evil witch." His mother spat venomously. 

"I always hater her guts. This arrogant bitch, doesn't deserve... Wait, did you say boyfriend?" She asked disbelievingly. 

"Yes, I did," Pat confirmed, grinning from ear to ear, watching Nonsee blinking cutely at him. 

"I don't believe you. Is Non with you?" She asked. 

"What do you think?" Pat rolled his eyes, putting the phone on speaker. 

"Baby bird, tell mom we are dating. She doesn't believe me." Pat pouted. 

"Hello, mom," Non spoke up. 

"Hello, son. Are you okay?" 

"I am alright."

"Did you say yes to my ignorant son, or is he only disillusioned?" 

Pat clicked his tongue, annoyed. 

"We are really dating. I love P'Pat." Nonsee confirmed shyly. 

"See, mom? We are a couple, so stop making fun of me." Pat growled. He heard a soft giggle from Non, and he couldn't be happier. 

"Okay, okay. I am happy, boys. Anyway, Non, honey. You don't need to worry about that woman anymore. If she wants to stay in the company, she has to behave." 

Non didn't answer right away, still processing the current situation. Pat knew it was still hard, but he and his mother were there for him. 

"Thank you," Nonsee whispered, leaning on Pat's chest. 

"Nonsense, honey. You are my son now too. And we need to celebrate." 

"Non is not allowed to go out yet." Pat reminded her. Though it won't take long for him to get discharged, Pat didn't want to rush his boyfriend's return into everyday life.  

"I know. I will stop by later. I need to call all my friends and brag. Bye." She hung up, leaving the stunned couple alone. 

"She's really something." Pat shook his head.

"I like her." Non whispered, making Pat smile. 

"I know. I like her too." 

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