Paint (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 37/?? od Doctor White story. 

White woke up refreshed from the little nap. Black was still asleep, holding him against his chest like a precious gem. He wriggled out of the grip, sitting up. A light smile adored his face as he poked his twin's side. Black made a disapproving noise, making White giggle. 

"I am going to check on P'Yok," White announced. His brother hummed something incomprehensible before he turned around, showing him his back. White shook his head, shuffling out of the tent. The sun hid behind the darkening clouds, and the breeze got chillier. White trembled slightly. He quickly headed down the stairs, slowing down not to make much noise. He didn't want to wake Yok up if he was still sleeping. 

"Hello, doctor White." Yok beamed at him. The older guy sits on the bed, back resting against the headboard. He was clutching a sketchbook and was doodling something on it.

"Hello, P'Yok." White smiled back, walking towards him. Though White originally came down to look at Yok's injury, he was now more curious about the drawing. 

"What are you doing?" White asked, trying to glance at the paper. 

"Sketching. Wanna look?" Yok grinned, pulling the curious boy down on the bed. White let out a surprised yelp as he landed on the soft mattress. His eyes focused on the two figures entangled in the sheets. Their faces weren't recognizable, but White could somehow guess who they were. 

"It's beautiful." White praised. 

"Thank you, White." Yok grinned. Something mischievous glinted in his eyes, and White didn't like it. 

"Can I draw you?" Yok asked, expecting a positive answer from him. 

"You are not painting my baby brother naked." Black's voice thundered through the room. White's face turned bright red. 

"Spoilsport." Yok huffed annoyingly. 

"Gram texted. They are on the way back. I don't know about Gumpa and Dan." Black informed them. White nodded, happy to see Sean soon. 

"They will bring food," Black added, strolling to the bed. White could tell his brother was hesitating to join them, so he pulled him down the same way Yok did to him. Turning towards the art student, White blinked at him cutely. 

"P'Yok, can you draw us?" 

"It will be my pleasure." Yok grinned, turning the page on his sketchpad. White hauled Black closer, leaning his head on his twin's shoulder, arms sneaking around his waist. Black groaned but didn't push him away. 

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