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"F-Fuck Minho....nghh...right there....p-pleaseee...."

Jisung cried his lungs out, as he cummed once more, the third time in a row, wetting the bed with his release. He was completely exhausted and quickly dropped on the bed. Sweat trickled down his fair body and he was panting nonstop for breath. Behind him was Minho, a.k.a, The Lee Know, smiling devilishly after seeing his boyfriend's beautiful red ass. He pulled out off him and flung the used condom to one side of the room, as it landed right at the doorstep.

"Ji, the sheets are dirty," Minho said, tugging on Jisung, "Gimme a minute, baby. Let me change them."

"My ass is paining honey," Jisung whined like a child.

Minho laughed. He gently grabbed his boy in his arms, picking him up in a bridal style and carried him to a couch in one corner of the room. He laid him there and went back to the bed. He quickly put on his clothes and set off to work. He pulled off the dirty sheets and quickly replaced them with a soft red sheet. He made the fluffy blankets ready as he knew that his boyfriend needed a really good aftercare after all the wreck he had made to him. Having made the bed all comfy, he went to him. Minho dressed Jisung up in clean clothes and having done so, he picked him up and brought him back to the bed. Like a responsible boyfriend, Minho gently wrapped Jisung up in his fluffy blanket and finally laid down.

"Mmhhh Minnieee....."

No sooner had Minho laid down on the bed, than he started cuddling Jisung, showering him with little pecks and kisses and often tickling him.

"S-Stop Min," Jisung cried, giggling, as he turned over and grabbed Minho by his waist.

"Your chooooo cuteeee...." Minho cooed, kissing Jisung's little pout, "How can I stop myself?"


"Yes love?"

"I need a lot of explaination!"

"I know, I know," Minho replied, "Once you meet Lix and when we all are together, I bet we'll give you all the explaination you both need, okay?"

"Minho, is Lix alright? I'm concerned, I haven't met him for three days!"

"I promise Ji, he's-"

Just then, there was a loud knock.

"Holy crap, who the fuck is it?" Minho screamed, "Come in!"

"Love," Jisung whispered, "The door is locked."


Minho got up, looking really pissed, as he lazily walked to the door and opened it.

"Motherfucker!" he screamed.

"Yah Mean Hoe, this is my mansion," Hyunjin retorted as he returned his foster brother a really sulking look. He was still in his morning suit. It was clear that, as soon as he was done with his meeting, he ran to Minho's room.

"Mine is better than yours, you HornJin," Minho replied back, "What do you want?"


"Not getting."

"Hoe!" Hyunjin said, as he pushed Minho aside and entered the room, but,

"What the fuckkkk.....ewwwwww," Hyunjin screamed as he noticed the used condom stuck to the floor, "Fucking, I see?"

"None of your business, Llama," Minho sulked, "Get 'your' business done."

As soon as Jisung saw Hyunjin, he quickly sat up, even though his ass was burning like hell. Even though Hyunjin could be really annoying sometimes, Jisung found the latter amusing. Because....both were the best definition of 'dumb'. You know....The Dumb Duo.

"Hi Ji," Hyunjin greeted, as, he sat on one edge of the bed, "I hope you're...fine?"

Jisung giggled.

"It's okay, Hyunjin," he replied, "I'm good. What do need?"

"Um...It's about Felix."

Jisung was completely shocked.

"W-What happened to him?"

"No Ji," Hyunjin assured him, "Nothing happened to him. He's completely fine. It's just...can you tell me something about his past relationship?"

Jisung, after hearing his best friend was alright, heaved a quiet sugh of relief. But then, he looked alert.

"Did something happen?" he asked.

"It's like....I suddenly asked him about his past lovers and...he started crying."

Minho looked really angry.

"How dare you?" he growled, almost choking Hyunjin.

"Babe," Jisung interfered, "Don't. Hyunjin doesn't know anything. Leave him."

Minho let him go.

"Hyunjin," Jisung said, slowly, "I know you love him and care for him. But...he doesn't know that. His past is something which only Minho and I know. He trusts us and pleaded us not to tell it to anyone. Hyunjin, I ask you, not to implore me in telling it and breaking my promise. You must earn his love and trust, and then, I'm sure, one day he'll himself open up to you."

Hyunjin couldn't say anything.

"Okay...let me see. Well was it too...bad?"

Jisung shook his head.

"Terrible," he whispered.

A sharp pang of pain hit Hyunjin's chest as he heard the word 'terrible'. His fists clenched, his eyes we're moist, but still, burnt in deep anger and hatred.

Who is that fucker who dared hurt my love?

"Uh...Hyunjin?' Jisung called.

" Y-yes?"

"Can I meet Lix?"

"Felix must be sleeping now," he whispered, "I'll take you to him later, okay? You must rest too."

Hyunjin got up and was about to leave, when Jisung called him.

"Please take care of him, Hyunjin," he begged, "That little angel has suffered a lot. Please take care of him."

Hyunjin looked at him with a firm determination in his eyes of a true lover.

"I will," he said, as he walked out of the door.

Minho closed the door and came back to the bed.

"I bet," he whispered, "That guy is dead. Nothing is going to stop Hyunjin."


"Y-Yes Sir?"

The man gulped down the remains of the drink in the glass, and, all of a sudden, he flung the glass with a great force. It hit the wall in front of him and shattered into million pieces, with an ear piercing sound, loud enough to send shivers down the spines of a the other people who stood in that dark, gloomy chamber.

"Find every single information about Felix's ex bastards and drag all of them back to me, I'll find out the actual culprit among them," the man growled.

"Master's orders will be carried out," the men echoed as they quickly scampered out of the room.

Hyunjin let out a loud, devilish chuckle.

"He has to pay for whatever he did to you, Lix. I will take...revenge."


𝘼𝙣𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨?
𝙊𝙧 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨?
𝘼𝙣𝙮 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨??
𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙪𝙮𝙨!!

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