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Felix felt suffocated.

The large hall was completely decked with brilliant luxuries. Big golden chandeliers hung from the large ceiling. There were fancy chairs and tables, laden with plates with scrumptious foods on them. There were large windows, with little golden lights all over. Numerous people thronged the party room, as more and more flooded in through the open doors. Most of them were rich millionaire or fancy billionaires with their pretty wives or partners

There was not a single known face to Felix, and so he was not at all interested. Neither did anyone seem to notice him, nor did he find anyone interesting to have a chat with. Even Hyunjin had deserted him long back.

It was not that Hyunjin went entirely out of Felix's sight. Felix could easily see him at a distance, talking to some people, laughing and chatting. Jr had a glass of champagne in his hand and was laughing heartily at some joke cracked by one of his chums. Perhaps, the men were his friends or business partners? Felix sighed and turned to the counter at one corner for a quick drink.

Felix had just ordered his drink and was scanning the other drinks piled up on the shelves, when suddenly he felt a hand round his waist. He shivered, as he turned around to see who it was.

"All alone, beautiful?"

It was a man, dressed in a clean maroon tuxedo, almost about Hyunjin's age or perhaps a bit more. He was handsome, no doubt. Tall, well built, hazel eyes, great face, chiselled nose and smiling lips. Felix wouldn't deny he looked great, but, at the same time, he was, or at least was supposed to be somebody's fiance.

Felix didn't know what to reply. He was not all alone, but at the same time, he didn't know exactly as what to address Hyunjin as.

"No," he stuttered, "I'm...err...with my-"

"Mr. Lee, is Felix being a disturbance to you?"

Both of them looked back, in utter astonishment. Hyunjin was standing right behind the man, looking at both of them. He was almost glaring at Felix, at the way he was standing with the man, his waist in his arms.

"Oh no no Mr. Hwang," the man replied, scanning the look on Hyunjin's face, "I just noticed this angel was all alone and so..."

"I'm sorry if my fiance was disturbing you," Hyunjin replied cooly, walking over to Felix and wrapping his arm round his slim waist.

"Fiance!?" someone cried from behind. It was one of Hyunjin's business partners, rather a friend. "Seriously Hyun, getting married and not telling us a word, huh?"

"Tae, it's okay," Hyunjin smiled, "Don't scream like an animal. Felix is two months pregnant, he might feel uncomfortable."

"Woahhh, congratulations Felix," Taemin replied, going over to Felix and shaking hands with him. Felix felt a bit awkward, but soon brushed it off and tried to pull off a better face.

"So..." Hyunjin spoke, drawing his friends' attention,"Guys, meet Lee Felix, soon to be Hwang-"

Suddenly, someone interrupted Hyunjin. It was one of Hyunjin's friends, rather one of his competitor in business, a really sly one. He was jealous of Hyunjin, whenever the latter made huge profits, and always tried to ruin him.

"Um....Mr Lee Felix, I mean, Mr Hwang Felix, is Hyunjin really your fiance?"

Now, Felix felt really uncomfortable. He looked shocked and really nervous.

What-What should I say now?

Jaemin's words flashed in his brain.

"Uh...yeah...n-no...he's nothing...."

THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY [HYUNLIX]Where stories live. Discover now