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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.

"Woah. A lot of freshmen joined this year." Konoha whispered to Komi while looking at the freshmen who are standing in front of them.

By now, Konoha and Komi are already second years so they get to stand next to their seniors and greet the freshmen.

"These are the second years..." The captain said and introduced all the second and third-year members.

After the introduction of the seniors and second years, the captain then told the freshmen to introduce themselves.

After 3 people introduced their names. The guy with green eyes came forward and introduced himself.

"I am Akaashi Keiji, from Mori Middle School. I played setter, pleased to make your acquaintance." he introduced formally while his hands were on his back.

The greenish emerald eyes guy who introduced himself as Akaashi noticed the stare from one of the second-year members.

Akaashi bravely meets the person's eyes and stares back at him. That's... Bokuto Koutarou – Akaashi said in his mind.

The second-year guy who's staring at Akaashi has pointy black and silver hair. And a pair of golden yellow eyes.


Akaashi and all of the volleyball members — especially the second years, looked at the golden yellow-eyed guy who covered his own mouth and hid behind a second-year member.

If I recall correctly, his name is Konoha.

Akaashi looked down and pinched his hand behind his back to stop himself from laughing.

The golden yellow-eyed guy, Bokuto, looks like an adorable owl hiding behind a tree while spying on someone.

What a weird guy....


"Here we are." Bokuto said when they arrived in front of his house. He then smiled at Kouji and said, "This is Daddy's home."

"Daddy and Papa's home?" Kouji asked.

Bokuto's smile slowly vanished, "Uhh... err.. no... Only Daddy's." he answered awkwardly.

Kouji's excitement changed into confusion, "How come?" he asked.

"B-because Daddy and Papa are still attending school... uhh yep that's right! So... y'know... after we graduate... then... we can have our own house..?" Bokuto explained as he took a glance at Akaashi who was also looking at him.

"Oh... Okay." Kouji said and smiled.

"Kouji." Akaashi called, "Would you like to sleep with Dad- with Bokuto-san today and then with me tomorrow?" he asked.

Kouji shook his head and held each of their hands, "Sleep with Papa and Daddy." he answered happily.

Akaashi can't help but scratch the back of his head. He then turned his gaze to Bokuto, "Bokuto-san is it okay if I spend the night here?" Akaashi asked.

Bokuto nodded at him. "Yeah, I'll go and explain it to Mom. They won't mind."

Akaashi and Kouji followed Bokuto inside the house. All of them were greeted by a warm feeling from the doorway.

"I'm home!" Bokuto shouted.

"Welcome home Kou-chan! Eat first before going to your room 'kay?" Bokuto's mother shouted back from the kitchen.

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