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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.

"GRANDMAAAA! Can you please tell Daddy to stop?" Kouji asked while pointing at Koutarou who's looking unbelievably at Kouji.

Using the grandma card, how sneaky!

"What gives?" Grandma Kaori asked.

"Daddy can't accept the fact that it was me who Mommy asked on the date. Daddy said that Mommy was asking him instead of me." Kouji said.

Koutarou looked at Kouji with such disapproval, "But it's true!" he said and looked at his mother.

"Mom! Akaashi said, 'Let's go on a date, Kou', which means he's referring to me." Koutarou said while pointing at himself.

Kouji raised his hand as high as he can, "It's me! It's me! It's supposed to be Kou-ji!" he said.

Koutarou shook his head, "Nuh uh! It's Kou-tarou!" he argued.

Kaori looked sighed while looking at her son. Her son is very childish and even arguing with his own child.

"What's happening here?" Akaashi asked when he entered the living room.

Kouji and Koutarou rushed towards Akaashi and pointed at themselves.

"Akaashi/Mommy! It was me who you asked on a date right?" Koutarou and Kouji asked in unison.

Akaashi looked at them confused, "What? Me? Date? When?" he asked with such confusion.

"This morning!" they both answered.

Akaashi replied, "Ehh?? I... don't remember.."

Koutarou looked at Akaashi worriedly and placed his hand on his forehead, "You're being forgetful these days, do you still have a fever?" he asked.

"I don't think so...?" Akaashi replied.

Kaori humm, "You guys said 'this morning' right? Maybe Kei-chan was still sleeping when he said that." she said.

"Ehhhhhh?" Koutarou and Kouji whined.

Akaashi looked at Koutarou and Kouji who look so miserable infront of him.

"Tomorrow's the weekend, why don't we go out and have fun?" Akaashi said and smiled.

Bokuto and Kouji looked at each other hesitantly. Their eyes were asking each other, who among them Akaashi asked out on a date.

Kouji smirked, "Hear that Daddy? Your wife asked me out on a date." he said proudly.

Bokuto immediately opposed it, "He's obviously talking to his husband." he said – emphasizing the word 'husband'.

Akaashi chuckled, "Both of you."

The two looked at him, "Huh?"

"Let's all have a date, hm?" Akaashi said sweetly making Koutarou and Kouji blushed.

"Mmn." Koutarou and Kouji nodded shyly, making Akaashi laughed.

They're so adorable!


"Be careful okay?" Bokuto's mother - Bokuto Kaori reminded.

"We will!" Akaashi shouted back while putting on his shoes at the doorway.

"Hurryyy!" Kouji said excitedly.

"Mom! We're going now!" Bokuto shouted when Akaashi was done putting his shoes on.

They all left the house and started walking around the neighborhood, "Where should we go first?" Bokuto asked.

"Hmm..." Akaashi wondered and looked at Kouji, "Where do you want to go, Kouji?" he asked.

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