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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.

"Nghhh Heavy." Akaashi groaned when he felt that his body became numb.

The weight that he felt on top of him made him have a hard time breathing, making him betray his sleepiness and look at his surroundings.

When he opened his eyes, he saw two owls comfortably sleeping on top of him. They are both sound asleep and they look very comfortable as if they are not crushing someone with their weight.

As usual, Bokuto's face was buried on Akaashi's neck and hugging his waist, while Kouji was sleeping on his chest.

Akaashi sighed and glanced at the slightly opened curtain. He squinted his eyes to take a glance at the scenery outside. He then immediately tapped the two owls who were sleeping on top of him to wake them up.

"Hey! Kouji! Bokuto-san! Wake up!" Akaashi said while tapping them continuously.

Bokuto and Kouji both groaned and hugged him tighter. "A-ack! W-wait! You're choking me!" Akaashi said and gently pushed them away.

"Wake up! Look! Kouji! Bokuto-san! It's snowing!" Akaashi said excitedly.

Bokuto and Kouji's eyes automatically popped open and hurriedly left the bed to look outside the window.

They almost tripped because of how excited they were which made Akaashi chuckle while looking at his husband and son.

"Uwaah!!!! Daddy!! It's snowing!!" Kouji said full of excitement while jumping up and down.

The father and son were beaming with joy as they pulled Akaashi to stand at the window with them. All of them watched the snow with sparkling eyes.

Akaashi giggled, "Come on. Go washed up, and let's go outside." he said.

Bokuto turned to Akaashi and kissed him. "Good morning." he greeted. He then lifted Kouji and kissed his cheeks, "Morning buddy!"

Kouji giggled, "Good morning! Mommy and Daddy!" and kissed both of them

"Good Morning!" Akaashi greeted back.

They all washed up and hurriedly searched their closet for some thick clothes and scarves.

"Kaaasheee, I can't find my scaarf!" Bokuto whined.

Akaashi stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself while wrapping his own scarf around his neck.

"Just use mine, I have an extra one."

"This red scarf?" Bokuto asked.

"Yeah, you can use that," Akaashi answered and checked on Kouji.

After getting ready, they all headed down and walked their way outside.

"Kouji, Koutarou, Kei-chan, don't stay out for too long okay? You have to decorate the X-mas tree!" Bokuto's Mom reminded them, Akaashi nodded and followed the two who were already outside playing in the snow.

Bokuto and Kouji immediately have a snow fight and when Akaashi came walking towards them, they both looked at each other and smirked.

They teamed up against Akaashi and threw some snow towards him. All Akaashi could do was to protect himself while covering his face.

"No fair," Akaashi complained.

They both giggled. Kouji sat down and started making a snowman while Bokuto walked towards Akaashi and kissed him.

"We're Outside," Akaashi said as he stopped him when he got a chance to pull away.

But... Bokuto is Bokuto.

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