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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.

Koutarou woke up in the middle of the night when he senses that there's someone missing beside him. He panicked thinking that it was Kouji and afraid that he went to the restroom alone.

He calmed down after seeing him sleeping peacefully beside him though. He then looked to his other side and found out that Akaashi is no longer beside him.

Did he went to the restroom?

Koutarou got up and silently walked his way out of the Fukurodani Team's sleeping quarters and then proceeded to head his way towards the restroom.

He opened the door and his eyes widened seeing Akaashi wrapping up his ankle while wearing a pain expression.

"W...ha..t...?" Koutarou was speechless. He doesn't even know what question he wanted to ask first.

Words stopped coming out from his mouth and before he knew, he's already walking his way towards Akaashi.

"Ehh? Why are you awake?" Akaashi asked when he noticed Koutarou walking towards him.

"What happened?"

Akaashi didn't answered quick as he saw the worried expression that the man in front of him was wearing.

Akaashi smiled, "I'm fine, my love."

Koutarou lightly touched Akaashi's ankle and that light touch was enough to make Akaashi flinch in pain, "Doesn't look fine to me."

Akaashi didn't argue any longer because he knew that Koutarou's would only get worse.

"Was it from yesterday's match?"

Before Akaashi could answer, his words were cut off when Koutarou lift him up and make him sit on the sink that is strong enough to hold him.

Bokuto then carefully lift his injured foot and grabbed the bandage to carefully wrapped it around his injury.

"My feet hit the bleachers and I didn't feel the pain until we were done playing." Akaashi answered.

They both then became quiet. Akaashi didn't know what words to tell him, because whatever he says will not ease the worry that Bokuto felt for him.

"Are you planning to hide this from me— from us?" Koutarou asked.

Akaashi looked away and it took him seconds to answer, "I didn't want you to worry."

Koutarou reached towards Akaashi's face and make him look at him. He then sighed and tiredly rest his head on his shoulder.

"Are you mad?"

Koutarou shook his head, "No..." he said and slowly lift his head. He looked at Akaashi and then his eyes went downwards to his lips.

Akaashi smiled, "Wanna kiss?"

Koutarou didn't reply through words, instead he closed the little distance they have and then captured Akaashi's lips without a second thought.

It was only small kisses at first, but the way Akaashi's hand was touching Koutarou's neck and face as if asking for more made the kiss more affectionate and deeper.


It's been a week. Ever since they came here, they haven't kiss even once. And now that they are, it's becoming dangerous for both of them.

Koutarou's kisses went down to Akaashi's nape as Akaashi grip tightly on his shoulder. Someone can enter the restroom anytime, but both of them didn't care and was focus on what's in front of them.

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