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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.


"We're home!" Akaashi shouted at the doorway while closing the umbrella they just used.

Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kouji quickly went to their room to change their slightly wet clothes. It was just a small rain so they're not that worried about getting sick.

Despite that, Akaashi was anxious.

He heard from the news that there's a high possibility of rainstorm tonight, which is....

Bokuto's weakness...

For some reason, Bokuto's greatest weakness is the rainstorm and lightning. Some people may found it overdramatic but Bokuto would always flinch everytime the thunder strikes.

"Kouji, I'm sorry... can you stay with Kiri-neechan for the meantime until Daddy calm down?" Akaashi asked.

Kouji nodded. Even though Akaashi didn't explain it, he realized on his own what was happening.

Kouji hugged Bokuto, "Good night Daddy, don't be scared... Mommy is here with you." he said and kissed Bokuto's cheeks before leaving the room.

Akaashi locked the door, shut the light off and opened the lamp that was beside the bed.

It's going to be a rough night...

The first time I discovered this weakness of Bokuto-san was when we were in the changing room.

The rest of the team already went home that day. Only I and Bokuto are the only one left inside the changing room when a loud thunder suddenly strikes.

Imagine my shock when Bokuto flinched so hard and gripped on my clothes super tightly, looking really terrified, and look like he was about to cry.

It was really unexpected so I didn't know what to do. I just stood there and let him hold on to me until he calmed down.

The rest of the team soon found out this weakness of his, when we are in the middle of the practice and rainstorms suddenly appeared.

Everyone saw how terrified he was.

Akaashi wear Bokuto's hoodie before getting in the blanket with Bokuto. The outside of the window slowly became pitch black and the rain started pouring heavily.

And from there...

The horror began.

Akaashi walked towards the window and covered it with the curtain, he then quickly walked back to the bed and let Bokuto hold on to him tightly.

"Akaashi..." Bokuto called out and hold on to the hoodie that Akaashi was wearing.

Akaashi moved closer to him and let him snuggled on to his neck.

Bokuto's embrace went tighter when he heard the first loud thunder comimg from the sky. "F-fvck!" he cursed.

"Shhh... I'm here." Akaashi said and caressed the back of Bokuto's head.

Another loud thunder strike again followed by a few small ones, making Bokuto trembled in such horror.

Akaashi remained silent as he squeezed Bokuto in a tight hug, as if telling him that everything will be alright.

Minutes after, Bokuto slowly moved on top of Akaashi and slipped his hand inside the hoodie without saying anything.

"W-what are-" Akaashi didn't finished what he was saying when Bokuto captured his lips.

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