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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.

Akaashi woke up when he felt something soft that touched his face. It felt like a kiss... but who might it be?

Akaashi slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was the ceiling – it looks different from his room.

The bed is different, it feels bigger and wider than his bed. The smell is also different, it smells like someone he knows.

This isn't his room.

Akaashi then remembered all the events from yesterday and how he ended up in a situation where he woke up from someone else's room.

"Morning... Kouji." Akaashi greeted to the person who's sitting on top of his tummy and looking down at him.

Kouji smiled, "Good morning! \(^o^)"

Bokuto let out a chuckle as he pulled Kouji away from Akaashi, "You're squashing him."

Akaashi sat down and stretched.

He felt the sunlight brushed through his skin, which came from the slightly opened window of Bokuto's room.

Akaashi then rubbed his eyes while greeting Bokuto a good morning.

"Daddy, you should give Papa a morning kiss too." Kouji said, which made both of them froze.

Akaashi and Bokuto's eyes met as they both went red and quickly looked away from each other.

"M-maybe some other time..." Bokuto said.

Kouji pouted, "Nooo! Right now! Morning is right noww!" he said while pulling his Daddy's shirt.

Bokuto shook his head continuously while putting his hand up as if he's surrendering, "I caaan't..." he whispered to Kouji.

Kouji pulled Bokuto and whispered back, "Why not?! He's your wife isn't he?" he said.

Bokuto's cheeks slightly went red, "W-wife..." he said in whisper.

The blushing owl then glanced at the clueless owl – Akaashi who's looking at then confusedly.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Akaashi asked.

Bokuto and Kouji looked at each other. Kouji glared at Bokuto who looked away from him.

Bokuto gulped. His hearts were racing and thumping very loudly as he slowly approached the clueless Akaashi.



With a cold and shaky hand, Bokuto reached for Akaashi's cheeks and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"C-can i kiss you?"

Akaashi's eyes widened and his cheeks went extremely red. "E-ehh?"

Akaashi wanted to look away and avoid the gaze of those golden yellow eyes, but Bokuto was holding his chin — leaving Akaashi with no choice but to look at him.

He can't get away.

Akaashi glanced at Kouji who's looking at them, "O-okay." he agreed – thinking that this was just an act for their 'son' Kouji.

Akaashi closed his eyes shut and waited for Bokuto's kiss. The Daddy owl originally planned to only kiss the Papa owl on the cheeks but....

For some reason...

The Daddy owl have a desire to land the kiss on Papa owl's lips. With a shaky hand, Bokuto gently covered Akaashi's lips and then Bokuto kissed the back of his hands.

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