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A/N: This story contains a lot of wrong grammar, wrong spelling, profanity, and errors.

What happened...?

Akaashi wondered as he entered the room without making any possible sound and saw Bokuto and Kouji hugging each other.

The swelling and the puffiness of Kouji's eyes of course didn't escape Akaashi's observant eyes.

Did he cry because I wasn't here...?

It's currently 5 a.m. when Akaashi returns home – Bokuto Household – due to him not getting a good sleep at his own house, because of the two owls' absences.

He wasn't used to them not being by his side.

So instead of forcing himself to sleep, he got up and left the Akaashi household when he saw the sun slightly appearing in the sky.

And since he's now part of the Bokuto family — according to every Bokuto family member — Akaashi never has to bother anyone to open the door for him because they gave him a key.

He used the trusted key to quietly enter the Bokuto Household and quietly returned to his room, where the youngest Bokuto - Kouji - and his partner - Koutarou - were sleeping.

Akaashi carefully got on the bed and tried his best to not wake anyone up. It's currently 5 am so he was sure that everyone was in deep sleep.

Once Akaashi's back felt the softness of the bed, his eyes automatically closed shut leading him to fall asleep instantly.

It's like magic.

The room's atmosphere... the room's scent... the room's temperature... it's all perfect. As if they were the missing factors of why Akaashi was having a hard time sleeping.

As the morning came, maybe around 8 a.m., Kouji was the first one to wake up. Remembering what Akaashi had told him last night, he quickly scanned the room and searched for him.

His eyes then lit up and an immediate smile came across his face when he found Akaashi peacefully sleeping beside him.

I'll be the first one you see as you wake up tomorrow.....

Kouji went and snuggled towards Akaashi. He hugged him as if he hadn't seen him in such a long time.

Papa kept his promise.

"What are you giggly for..?" Koutarou grunted as he sat down and rubbed his eyes.

Kouji motioned a shush sign at him and pointed at the sleeping person beside him making Koutarou confused.

When Koutarou's eyes followed where Kouji was pointing at his eyes, just like Kouji, immediately lit up with pure joy.

He quickly got out of bed and went to the other side to lie beside Akaashi. Koutarou then hugged him tight, feeling giggly as his son.

"It's Akaashi!" Koutarou said in a happy voice.

Kouji chuckled and joined in. He also went and hugged Akaashi tightly, which led Akaashi to complain about the noises they were making.

"Nnnhh.... let me sleep more..." Akaashi complained as he unconsciously pushed the arms that were wrapped around his body.

However, those arms quickly went back to where they were, making Akaashi slowly open his eyes, "Hea..vy... can't sleep..." he complained.

Koutarou and Kouji looked at each other and giggled, "Welcome home!" they both said as they attacked Akaashi with more hugs.

Akaashi wanted to complain about their weights and them crushing him but he can't lie to himself and say that he doesn't miss this kind of ruckus.

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