Chapter 6

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Juliana pov

We we got to the edge of the cliff, we looked down and saw 2 big pokemon's laying on the sand, we even saw 2 Houndour's growling at them. Then out of nowhere, they both let out huge roars which caused both Florian and I to fall off the cliff. When we fell, our Rotom phones broke our fall but from where I was surprised, I felt some pain in my arm.

"OW!" I cried out.

"Juliana, are you okay?" Florian panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine my arm hurts a little" I moaned while rubbing my sore arm.

"Here, let me see"

He looked at my arm and saw a huge cut on it.

"Oh man, that looks like it hurts" Florian frowned.

"It does, it stings to"

"I don't have any bandages, hopefully Nemona does"

"Don't worry about me, I can still move my arm it's just sore"

"Okay, well let's go look at those pokemon"

I nodded.

After we got close to them, we saw that one of them is a scarlet color and the other one is a violet color.

After we got close to them, we saw that one of them is a scarlet color and the other one is a violet color

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(A/n: I couldn't find any pictures of them when they were looking weak on the beach)

"What pokemon are these?" I questioned.

"I have no idea, I've never seen these two before"

"They look really weak, I wonder what happened to them?"

"I wonder to, it doesn't look like there are any other trainers around, so they're probably wild" Florian guessed.


I slowly reached out to the violet color pokemon and gently pet it's head. It looked up at me with a weak look on it's face, I saw Florian gently petting the scarlet color pokemon"

"Do you think maybe giving them something to eat will help them feel better?" Florian asks.

"We could try, but what do we have to give them?"

We thought for a minute until an idea popped in my head.

"How about our sandwiches" I suggested.

"Good idea, let's give it a try"

After we both took out our sandwiches, we slowly handed them to the two mysterious pokemon.

"Here you two, these are called sandwiches maybe they'll make you feel better, give them a try" I encouraged.

"Yeah, go ahead and eat them our mom made them, she's great at cooking" Florian encouraged.

They both looked at our sandwiches we both held out, they gave them a sniff and ate them. After they finished, they both got up and looked all better.

"Wow, they must've of been hungry no wonder they were so weak" Florian chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm so glad you two are better" I smiled.

The violet color pokemon licked my face while the other one licked my brother on the face, it caused both of us to laugh it must be there way of saying thank you.

Then they looked at the cave that was behind us, they walked towards it and out of nowhere, they changed forms which took us by surprise, they looked at us and headed inside the cave.

Then they looked at the cave that was behind us, they walked towards it and out of nowhere, they changed forms which took us by surprise, they looked at us and headed inside the cave

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"Wow, now that was something"

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"Wow, now that was something"

"Yeah, but do you think they want us to follow them?" I ask.

"I think so, maybe they'll help us get back up since we fell off the cliff"

"Yeah, hopefully when we find Nemona she has something to help my cut"

"Let's hurry and follow them"

I nodded.

Then we ran after the 2 mysterious pokemon.

After we got inside the cave.

"I wonder what this cave is called?" I ask in curiosity.

"According to the map, this cave is called Inlet Grotto" Florian answered while looking at his Rotom phone.

"Hmm, but I wonder if this is the cave that Nemona mentioned before, the one that's unsafe"

"Probably, but it's probably the only way for us to get back up to the top"

"True, I hope Nemona isn't to worried about us" I frowned.

"I hope not either" Florian frowned as well.

"Let's just be real careful"


Then we continued to follow the 2 mysterious pokemon.

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