Chapter 14

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Juliana pov

"Well, we better get to climbing" I groaned again.

"Yep, let's go"

It was hard to climb all these stairs, but we finally made it to the top, when we did Florian and I were gasping for air.

"Finally" I gasped out.

"Man, what a workout"Florian gasped desperately for air.

After we got our breathing back to normal, we got a good look of the school and we were amazed.

"Wow, the school is bigger than I imagined" I say in amazement.

"I know right, I wonder what the inside looks like?" Florian questioned.

"Let's go see"

After we opened the huge door, we walked in and we were more amazed at the inside.

"Wow" both Florian and I gasped while looking around.

"Hey you two"

We saw Nemona waving and we walked over to her.

"Here we are you two, welcome to Uva Academy"

"This place is amazing" I comment.

"This area is the entrance"

"Wow, that's awesome" Florian says with a big smile.

She went on and explained of how we can sign up in different classes, and that the sides of the hall are different parts of the school, hearing all that made me feel excited.

"It's big enough to let loose and battle in here, but for some reason, they banned pokemon battling in the main entrance"

"That's strange, but okay" says Florian.

"Master Florian, miss Juliana, and miss Nemona"

We turned and saw Mr.Clavell walk over to us.

"Hello sir" Florian and I greeted.

"Hello Mr.Clavell" Nemona greeted.

"How did you find your first school commute?"

"It was tough" I chuckled.

"But in the end, we had a blast" Florian says with a huge smile.

"I imagine miss Nemona high spirits helped, she's a true helper at our fine Academy" Mr.Clavell comment.

"Not that I was expecting any less from our champion ranked student council president reliable as ever"

"Well I know how to look after my friends, right guys?"

We both nodded while smiling.

"Oh, but I wanted to also let you know that some of those Team Star kids were in town"

"You did, where?" Mr.Clavell asks with his eyes widen.

"It was down the stairs from the front gates, they were messing with this girl with an Eevee backpack"

"Are they still out there?"

"Nope, Florian and Juliana got them taken care of"

Mr.Clavell turned to us and frowned.

"You don't say, of course it's a fine thing to try and help others but master Florian and miss Juliana, you might wish to show a bit of restraint as you find your feet here at our Academy"

"We're sorry sir, we didn't mean to cause trouble or anything, we couldn't just walk away when we saw that someone needed help" Florian frowned.

"No, please don't apologize you two aren't in trouble, it actually pleases me that you helped someone that's what everyone at this Academy should do for one and another, so I'm proud of you both" Mr.Clavell smiled.

"But anyway, miss Nemona do you remember the school's staff to resolve such troubles?"

"Uh right, yes sir"

"Did you also say that it was a girl with an Eevee backpack?"

"That's correct" I nodded.

"I think that might've been miss Penny, I'm relieved to hear that she's come to class and miss Nemona, can you report to Mr.Jacq about Team Star, as your homeroom teacher he should be kept being updated of all on what's going on"

"You got it sir" Nemona nodded.

"Look at the time, you three better hurry along, classes will be starting soon"

Nemona turned to us and smiled big.

"We're in the same class you two, c'mon I'll show you the way"

"Thanks Nemona"

"Yeah, we appreciate it" I smiled in gratefulness.


Narrator pov

Florian and Juliana were outside the door waiting for their teacher to call for them to come in since they were gonna be introduced to the whole class.


Juliana pov

"You okay sis?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous"

"Don't worry, I am to but I'm sure everything will be okay" Florian smiled softly and then rubbed my back.

"You're right"

"All right you two, come on in" the teacher called out to us.

We walked in and looked at everyone with friendly smiles.

"Everyone, meet our new students Florian and Juliana please say hello and if they have any help, please don't hesitate to help them"

The teacher's name is Mr.Jacq, he seemed really nice. All the students looked at us in curiosity.

"Hello everyone, my name is Florian I'm looking forward to everything we'll learn together in this class"

"Hi everyone, my name is Juliana good to meet you all, I hope we can get along"

All the students looked at us with smiles and one of them even asked us if we had a favorite thing about Pokemon and Nemona asked what are we hoping to be one day, we were happy to answer the questions, then we took seats that were behind Nemona.

"Alright everyone, please be nice and friendly to our new classmates" says Mr.Jacq.

Everyone nodded, then class started.

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