Chapter 9

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Juliana pov

When we got to the lighthouse, Florian and I were amazed at it.

"Wow, this lighthouse is so cool" Florian exclaimed in amazement.


??? pov

I was about to head to school until I heard footsteps.

I turned and gasped when I saw Koraidon and Miraidon.

"Why those little..."


Juliana pov

Out if nowhere, a guy ran up to 2 mysterious pokemon. He was wearing the same uniform as me, Florian, and Nemona were, he also had a huge yellow backpack. His hair was blonde with some brown streaks in it, and his eyes were teal.

 His hair was blonde with some brown streaks in it, and his eyes were teal

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"What're you two doing out here?" the boy asks in anger.

I was confused at why he was so angry, then he looked at us.

"I'm not talking to you three, so shove off"

"Excuse me, don't talk to us like that" Florian glared.

"Wait I know you, aren't you Arven you're enrolled in the humanities track right?" Nemona asks.

"And aren't you the son of those pokemon researchers, professor Sada and professor Turo?"

"Professor Sada and professor Turo?" I whispered to Florian.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

Then the Arven boy looked our way with a angry look.

"Doesn't matter who my parents are" Arven growled.

"The real issue here is what in the world are these pokemon doing out here and what's with the forms are they in?"

"We met them at the bottom of the cliff" Florian answered.

"They saved us from a tight spot to" I answered as well.

"See, we heard these strange cries and we tried to investigate, but Florian and Juliana fell off the cliff. These pokemon saved them, but they seem like they wore themselves out in the process, they kinda got slumpy afterwards, but you should of seen them before they looked totally different, they are unbelievably strong" Nemona explained.

"Well yeah, but they can't fight while their like this"

"Why not?" I ask in confusion.

"The forms that Koraidon and Miraidon takes in battle, that's their true forms"

"Their true forms?" Florian questioned.

"Koraidon and Miraidon, is that their names?" I ask.

"Yes, the scarlet color one is Koraidon and the violet one is Miraidon" Arven nodded.

Then suddenly his eyes widen while looking at me.


"What happened to your arm?" Arven asks worryingly.

I looked at it and realized that he was talking about the one that has the scratch on it.

"Oh, I got it when I fell off the cliff but I'm okay don't worry" I reassured while smiling.

Then he walked up to me and gently grabbed it, when he did that I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Here, let me wrap it in a bandage"

Arven took out some bandages and began to cover the scratch. I couldn't help but think he was really handsome, but I shook off that thought since I just met him.

"Look dude, can't you ask before touching my sister?" Florian growled.

"Why would I need to ask?"

"Because your a boy and she's a girl, so as her brother it's my job to protect her, especially from boys like you"

"Florian, be nice" I frowned.

"I don't have to, he was rude to us first" Florian crossed his arms with a annoy look on his face.

"There you go, that should help"

"Thank you very much" I smiled.

"But anyway, how'd you know these two are Koraidon and Miraidon?" Nemona asks.

"Maybe he's their trainer?" I guessed.

"I feel sorry for them, having a rude trainer like him" Florian comment.

"Florian" I glared.

Then Koraidon and Miraidon looked towards the lighthouse, but then I noticed that there was a door.

"You can't go in lab, it's locked" Arven shook his head.

"A lab?" I questioned to myself.

"I don't remember seeing you two around, but wearing those uniforms, you go to Uva Academy too?"

"Yes, we're starting today" I nodded.

"Koraidon and Miraidon aren't the sort of pokemon's that any old trainer can hope to command, their special"

"Special how, what sort of pokemon's are they?" Nemona asks.

He just looked at her and didn't answer, but he looked at me and Florian again.

"You two think you're up to ordering Koraidon and Miraidon around, then how about I test your worthiness in a battle"

"Sorry, but I have no interest in battling you and there's no way my sister is battling a jerk like you" Florian glared then he grabbed my hand.

I yanked my hand out of his and shook my head.

"Florian, I wanna battle"


"I haven't gotten a chance to battle anyone yet, and besides if he wants to test our worthiness then why not"

He hesitated at first but nodded, I nodded back at him then I looked at Arven.

"Yes, I accept"

"Heh, well look at you quite the little go getter, I've been feeling all out of sorts so I'm gonna use this battle to blast these doldrums away"

"Good luck sis" Florian cheered.

"You go Juliana" Nemona cheered as well.

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