Chapter 8

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Juliana pov

Before the Houndour's could attack us, we were suddenly being carried by the 2 mysterious pokemon.

"Heeeeey, up here quick!" Nemona called out.

They jumped onto the rocks and took us back to the top. After doing that, Nemona clapped with a huge grin on her face. When they put us down, we walked over to Nemona.

"Way to go for a second, I thought you were all goners, you all okay?"

"Yeah were fine, but Nemona do you have any bandages, Juliana cut her arm"

"I'm afraid not, sorry" Nemona frowned.

"It's okay, my arm is isn't hurting like it was before so I'll be fine"

"You sure?" Florian asks worryingly.

"Yeah, don't worry" I smiled.

Then the 2 mysterious pokemon looked at the lighthouse.

"Oh look, it's the lighthouse" says Nemona.

But before we could head there, the 2 mysterious pokemon suddenly turned back to what they looked like before, and they fell to the ground.

"Whoa, what's wrong?"

We ran up to them.

"Maybe they used up all there powers"

"Yeah probably" says Florian.

"What are these pokemon anyway, they kinda look like Cyclizar, but I never seen two quite like this before"

"A Cyclizar?" I questioned.

"Rotom, look up a pokemon called Cyclizar" Florian asks.

After Rotom pulled up a picture, we were amazed at what a Cyclizar looks like.

"Wow, I've never seen or heard of a pokemon called Cyclizar before" I say in amazement.

"Me neither"

"But anyway, now they look so different from a minute ago, you think there okay?" Nemona asks with a worry look.

"Hard to say" I answered.

"I don't know" says Florian.

"You can't tell either, huh guys"

We both shook our heads.

"Well, all that aside I'm seriously glad to have you guys back up here in one peace"

"We're sorry again for worrying you Nemona" I frowned.

"Don't apologize, I'm just happy that you guys are okay" Nemona smiled.

"You know, that battle down there was really something, you guys with these fella's looked perfect in sync facing down that Houndoom"

"But we didn't do anything" I say.

"What, you didn't tell them what to do?" Nemona asks in shock.

"That would be correct" Florian nodded.

"I guess it's not like you're these pokemon's trainers yet"

Then the 2 mysterious pokemon got up.

"Oh good, looks like they perked up a little, do you think these fella's were the ones who were making those cries we heard before?" Nemona questioned.

After they let out a cry, Nemona looked more excited then ever.

"Oh man, the more I look at these pokemon's the more mysterious they seemed"

Then she turned to us.

"If you guys become their trainers, you gotta let me battle against them"

"We'll do that" I smiled.

"Let me exchange numbers with you guys, so we can get in touch if we somehow get separated again"

"Good idea" me and Florian nodded.

Then we exchanged phone numbers.

"You four been through enough for a minute, I think we better take a breather"

"Yeah, I need a break" I sighed.

"Me to"

"Let's just get to the lighthouse, that'll be a good spot to relax"

Then we headed to the lighthouse.

A/n: Double reminder that I'm trying to make this story like the actual game, even though theirs gonna be some difference in it and meeting everyone will be slow, but I hope you still enjoy the story. Have an awesome day 👍

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