ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕩 𝕟' 𝕔𝕠𝕠𝕝

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Author POV

Small recap: Jungkook and Y/n entered Suga's and Taehyung's room respectively.


Jungkook entered to see..... Yoongi sleeping.

Jungkook was totally shocked. A tear escaped his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes.

It has been a decade and a few years since Yoongi slept peacefully. Jungkook could always see him being restless while sleeping but now he slept peacefully. A slight drool river being an example.

He couldn't get himself to wake him up. He went near him and lied down. He closed his eyes feeling a sort of contentment.

He remembered the line,

"Sunshine after storm and smile after problems are always permanent."

Y/n is the most kind yet funny yet matured yet goofy yet lovely chimpanzee he has ever seen.


Author POV

Y/n slowly entered the room. There was a partition infront of the door to hide the bedroom. Y/n was standing behind the partition contemplating whether to pour a bucket of water on him or a bucket of ice on him.

Suddenly, she heard his phone ringing. Knowing that he might think something bad when he sees her standing there. Y/n was ready to go out of the door.

'he has woken up anyway' she thought to herself.

Suddenly, she heard her name she never thought she would hear.

"Hello, Mr. Marcos. I have recieved the payment. She will be there shortly. Make sure you call me once you recieve her. I will look into this matter personally. Happy to do a business with you"

She heard him say this with tears cascading her cheeks.

She slowly and subtly got out of the room and ran silently to Nancy's room. Nancy and J-hope were sleeping hugging each other.

She slowly went near them and touched Nancy's feet. Nancy woke up to see Y/n crying.

She panicked and got up checking her for injuries. Y/n stopped her. Y/n motioned her towards the closet.

Nancy was confused but still followed her.

Y/n started packing Nancy's clothes while telling her what happened. Nancy was shocked by hearing this. She knows one thing and that is Y/n never lies.

Y/n was hastily pulling the clothes which caused a thin shirt to tear. Hearing the sound, J-hope got up and took his gun and was worried to see Nancy missing.

He went towards the closet with gun in his hand. Nancy was about to go out of the closet to confront Taehyung but she saw J-hope with gun in his hand.

'So, this is all a plan to trap us. They wanted us as a business deal' Nancy thought idiotically and backed away glaring at him.

She stood in front of Y/n who was even more scared after seeing the gun in J-hope's hand. J-hope was heartbroken when he saw her protecting Y/n from him. He was also shocked seeing them packing Nancy's clothes.

They thought they could manage with Nancy's clothes for now and didn't have time to pack Y/n's dress.

Nancy and Y/n pushed J-hope out of the way slowly since he has a loaded gun. He didn't protest seeing them so scared.

Still he wanted to talk.

He held Nancy and it seemed as the last straw for the girls.

Nancy shouted at him to leave her and Y/n shouted in utter fear.

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