She planned on staying in the house all day, especially after what happened three days ago. She's been having nightmares about it.
That was very traumatizing for her and it didn't make it no better that she had to get yelled at by both of her dad's plus Bryson.
She loved that they cared but she also hated getting yelled at. Then, Laila kept texting her apologizing but she just kept telling her it wasn't her fault.
Which it kinda wasn't, Laila didn't ask to have the party shot up.
Kilo also texted her as well apologizing, but she waved him off. She didn't wanna hear it at all. They did have a good little talk but then she was just like "Nah, I almost died because of him"
Placing the broom on the wall, she grabbed the fan putting it in her face while she sat down on her bed.
"Whew, i'm so hot" She sighed holding onto the fan. "Maybe cause i'm in the room" Josiah smirked eating skittles.
"Boy- don't you have stuff to do?" She waved him off.
"Yep, i'm finna leave soon, going to Miami with mama nem, wanna come?" He asked.
"Nope, one sibling down, two more to go for some peace and quiet" She slightly smiled.
He just mugged and flicked her off before leaving out of her room while finishing his skittles.
BJ was at home laying down in his bed scrolling through his mac book. He was looking at the news about that party.
He loved doing research after hearing about something crazy happening. It was said that twenty people died that night.
The police were still trying to find the suspect too. But knowing how atlanta is and how clever these kids are nowadays, he knew it was gonna be awhile before they found the person that did it.