Back In The Closet

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Kazuichis pov

I hugged my knees as a waterfall of tears came rushing out. Why? Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve it!?

Here I was sitting in the broom closet. The same broom closet I got knocked up in. I wish I could turn back time and undo this horrible mess. Unfortunately I'm stuck with this.


"I didn't expect to find you here" my head shot up at the voice above me. I knew who it was. No one else sounds like him.

My eyes met his. I quickly turned away "leave me alone!" I yelled as I hugged my knees tighter.

He sighed and took a seat next to me "I don't know how I upset you but perhaps you could tell me and I'll try to avoid doing so in the future"

I sighed. I guess he's going to find out anyway. He might as well hear it from me.

"I just found out I was pregnant this morning" I muttered "so if you could avoid doing that in the future that would be great" I attempted to make a joke at the end.

Gundam wasn't laughing. In fact he looked horrified.

I felt my anxiety build up "well can you say something? You're making me nervous"

He stood up and patted me on the shoulder "I wish you the best of luck" he turned to leave when-

"wait!" I clung to his coat desperately "please don't leave me. I'm scared to do this alone"

He looked at me with pity in his eyes "I apologise sharp tooth one. I should have been more careful with you but you would be better off without me-"

"bullshit!" I yelled "you're just leaving cause you can! I don't get a choice in the matter"

"I'm sorry" he sighed before gently peeling my hands away and leaving.

I stared at the swinging door in disbelief. He left me. He got me pregnant and then left me.

"ahhhhhhhh" I screamed out my pain and fear. The scream poured out of me like a waterfall. I didn't stop it until...

"souda-san" Sonia hugged me tightly "please deep breaths. It's ok"

"h-he left me" I said through chocked sobs.

"easy it's ok" she rubbed my back reassuringly "here I'll talk to him" with that she walked away.

I hope things get worked out

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