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Kazuichis pov

"stay away from miss Sonia you freak!"

"the only one who should be staying away from the dark queen sharp tooth one is you"

My and my long term rival (also known as gundam Tanaka) were standing in between miss Sonias desk, glaring daggers at each other. It's been like this for the longest time. I hate him and he hates me. That's the way it's always been.

Our classmates ignored us. They were used to us ripping at each others throats so they didn't even bother to intervene. Miss Sonia however was staring at the desk in disconfert. I felt a pang of guilt before glaring at the breeder with red hot anger.

"hey hamster boy how about knocking it off" I growled "You're making miss Sonia uncomfortable!"

The breeder gasped as he turned to her. His eyes were filled with guilt before he turned to me in anger.

"do you know even see yourself sharp tooth one? Tch humans are so blind to their own faults" he looked at me in desgust.

"what do you know about humans you you hamster fucker!" I pointed at him shakily.

"how dare you assume I'd do something so vile to me davas!" gundam looked horrified "you take that back!"

"make me bitch!"

"maybe I will feind!"

"that's enough!" Sonia slammed her hands on the desk as she stood up with the kind of grace you'd expect from a princess "you are coming with me!"

"m-me" I stuttered. Am I in trouble?

"ahh so you are dealing with that feind yourself dark queen" gundam chuckled to himself "I underestimated you. You were not in need of the lord of darknesses help after all!"

She marched up to him and pointed her finger at his chest "you are coming as well!"

"me!" he gasped.

"yes now move it both of you!" she grabbed us roughly by the sleeves and dragged us out of the classroom. The sound of our classmates laughter could be heard as we left.

What's going to happen to us now?

the rivals lovechild (soudam m-preg rewrite!) Where stories live. Discover now